How could you, you were…


How could you, you were elected as representatives of the people, none of which want this wonton destruction of farmland and nature just to line developers pockets. The domiciles built here will not be affordable or actually help any challenges. They will also increase sprawl, tax services in the areas which are already over capacity. How can you sleep at night knowing this is a half baked plan.

Nobody is forcing you to do this, stop and re evaluate is there another option. Can we work in developing existing locations? Can we mitigate damage to environment, can we guarantee this will help affordable housing?

Or is this just to help business, increase tax income because we have no real economy without immigration, house building and taxes.

The people of Ontario are disappointed in you, as are your forefathers whom originally thought to protect this land. None of you ever think big picture.

Also don’t think the “majority” you got elected with was a mandate or a plus. Everyone was so tired of all political garbage they didn’t bother.