I understand the balance…


I understand the balance your government is trying to strike to allow more homes to be created. We are in a housing crisis. Supply is a big part of the issue. Your government is aggressively combating this. But, on the path to increasing supply please consider:

- Are you mortgaging the future for the present? Agricultural lands are finite. You want to allow for 3 severances from lands which are in active agriculture. This 100% will remove land from agricultural production. While MDS is still being respected, in an area where there are no livestock facilities, 3 severances would make it cost-prohibitive to locate future livestock facilities. This planning appears to be short-sighted.

- Have you considered that supply of housing is not the only issue leading to the crisis? Take my community for example. In the last five-year period we have built more new homes than any other previous period since records have been kept. Even with this increased supply, it has not made a measurable dent in the price of a home. Something greater than just supply is at play. I raise this point, because if you are mortgaging the future to create more supply - especially in rural and agricultural areas - you might build 1.5 million new homes in the Province and still not address the biggest issue facing people: the cost. And, with the necessity of immigration to support our population, how will demand lessen? If you increase supply and also increase demand, there will be no impact on the price of a home, no matter how many you construct.

- Yes, we do need more supply! Now more than ever, but not in agricultural areas and not in rural areas. Your proposed policies are ruinous in the long-term. Focus growth in areas that can support it - such as urban serviced areas. Or, provide funding to historic hamlets to construct wastewater and water collection systems. This would allow revitalization of these historic communities.

- Please slow down. Since 2018: Bill 66, Bill 108, Bill 23, Bill 109, Bill 97. Where are you going? It's too fast. Now the proposed revised PPS. How do all of these pieces of legislation work together? You have even had to make knee-jerk revisions to legislation for site plan control adjacent watercourses and railways, because you went too fast.

- You're weakening language and policy around affordability. More supply with more demand will not reduce the affordability crisis.

- Invest in infrastructure as a solution and zoning reform! Most communities really need infrastructure to grow. I think if you heavily invested in water and waster infrastructure for communities that would enable the greatest amount of growth. If the pipes are in the ground, and the roads are built, and the municipalities do their part to pre-zone lands to remove barriers, then all that is left is to obtain a building permit. Having infrastructure and zoning in place will remove years from the development approval process. A building permit has to be reviewed within 10 days once received, and, assuming it's a complete application, can be issued.

- Please get back on track. I really believe in you and this government, but I have lost faith based on your recent legislative agenda. I know you want to do the right thing. Be better, and consider the average Ontarian when you make these decisions. Please protect our future and our farmland.