The people of Ontario and in…


The people of Ontario and in this case, the GTA, are 'begging' Doug Ford to stop the endless, desructive sprawl of the GTA. Millions of Ontarions are begging Ford and his government to stop the building of the new highway; to stop the destruction of Ontario's green belts, wet lands and farm lands to build more sub-divisions, more malls, more industrial complexes, more roads and highways, etc. We need the farms, the farm land, and clean water supplies and trees. We need to increase the local production of fresh food and produce for our population, not reduce it. We need to regulate and stop the corruption and greed of developers, realtors, industrialists, corporations who want to build more subdivisions, industrial complexes, roads, sewers and expand the use of fossil fuels to power all of this unbridled growth within the GTA. Ford's plans will increase the pollution of our air, water, lakes, rivers and soil and negatively affect the lives, health and welfare of all future Ontarions and their families.

Ontarions are really angry at Doug Ford for his ignorance and beligerance in not listening and respecting the validity and logic of research and reports by scientists, environmentalists, social scientists and policy makers, federal laws and the many experts re: the future impacts of his dangerous and irresponsible development plans on human health and all forms of life. Ford's plans to eliminate and pave over and build on protected environmental areas, flood plains, and green belts; to cut down trees and eliminate natural forests will increase air, water and land pollution and totally eliminate natural eco systems, all wildlife and their habitats. Members of Ford's government also lack the 'education and forsight' in supporting this Premier's ignorant, uneducated and egotistic policies which will for 'certain', negatively impact the future lives of all people and their families living within the GTA and outlying areas.

Citizens of Ontario are well-informed and know that Doug Ford corruptly and with a brazen, uneducated, and ill-informed perspective went ahead and sold off lands and resources to his developer buddies to make them even richer. Ford lied with impunity when he told Ontarions prior to election, that he would keep our greenbelt, flood plains, water, forests, and farm lands safe. Then after election, without environmental, social and educated consultation and transparency, he ignorantly and secretly forged ahead with his terrible plans.

The logical solution for building more homes, which must be affordable homes, would be to build family friendly, low-rise walk-up apartments/condos and parks on existing lands within the GTA to include community building, quality of life and social cohesion. There is lots of existing spaces and land already available without paving over and developing our wetlands flood plains and existing farmlands. The Green Party has sensible policies and plans for building affordable homes and family friendly communities. It's time to consider better, smarter, more informed policies to insure a more humane, healthier, sustainable, saner and safer way to live for the present and into the future.

Ford and his dangerous ego and corruptive character is also affecting the misguided plans for Ontario Place to become an exclusive spa for the rich with a mega underground parking lot and for The Ontario Science Centre to be moved onto Ontario Place at the same time. In addition Ford's ignorance and lack of insight regarding his government policies - illogical, uninformed, inhumane- by reducing funding for schools and educationschools, educational assistants, adequate staff, educational resources, training and programs) is