hello, I am a member of my…



I am a member of my Township's Heritage committee, and member of the ACO. Our heritage committee is making excellent, initial progress on recommending historic and culturally valuable buildings and structures for listing and designation to our Council.

We have approximately 100 properties in mind to recommend for listing, and the two year time-frame for designation, and the additional waiting time should this not occur - puts many of our community's heritage assets in peril. Introduction of this process and unrealistic time limits is short-sited from a conservation point of view, and puts many buildings and structures at risk of active demolition before thoughtful consideration of its heritage contribution to our communities.

The appetite for heritage conservation varies greatly from one township or municipality to another, and these arbitrary timelines - specifically imposing a years' long wait before a building can be listed again - further complicates the delicate collaboration between municipal Heritage committees and Councils.

The greenest building is the one already standing. Buildings can be re-purposed while maintaining valuable heritage elements that provide a sense of place and connection for residents. Adjustment to the process and timelines will provide much needed planning time to strike that balance. Currently the process feels punitive and anti-conservation. Growth and conservation can co-exist, and it's the government's responsibility to strike a balance that's workable for all parties.