There is very little to…


There is very little to encourage densification, and gentle densification is too vague with a very narrow scope. Previous development plans called for housing density targets for new development. This current proposal is silent. New development should strive for at least 50 people/ha average for developments greater than 5ha. This encourages a diversity of housing styles to meet large families, single parent families, students, and elderly people. This was successful in the south end of Guelph but density could be much higher still.
It is good that density increases around transit, but transit design (including stations) should be part of larger developments, not an afterthought. The plan is too silent on public transit.
The plan is silent on encouraging multiple use development that includes public and commercial services near homes (libraries, medical, daycare, and stores).
There is no mention of energy efficiency. The plan should encourage reduced transportation requirements (increased density, workplace development near housing). The plan should reinstate the renewable energy building code provisions that were removed from the building code 5 years ago.
Conservation Authority lands are also parkland. This should be recognized and protected. There is a federal and provincial commitment to increase natural space protection to 30%. The natural space Conservation Authority land should be protected from development and only CA land that is currently farmed should be permitted for development.
Agricultural land severances should not be permitted at all.