On May 26, 2023, the…

Numéro du REO


Identifiant (ID) du commentaire


Commentaire fait au nom

Corporation of the Township of Wellington North

Statut du commentaire


On May 26, 2023, the Township of Wellington North submitted comments on ERO number 019-6813. The Township remains in support of theses comments.

In addition to the comments previously submitted, the Township strongly endorses OPPI Feedback on Proposed Provincial Planning Statement dated July 24, 2023 (attached), with special emphases on paragraph 6 as follows:

Far-Reaching Impacts to Agriculture
The Provincial Planning Statement proposes large-scale changes to prime agricultural and rural areas by allowing additional severances and rural residential development. These changes risk adversely impacting the long-term viability of farms due to the sometimes-disruptive nature of farming operations, including raising livestock. Additionally, rural municipalities which have limited fiscal resources, will be shouldered with additional infrastructure burdens to support this low-density growth in agricultural areas.

Another threat to Ontario’s agriculture is the loosening of rules relating to settlement area boundary expansions (SABEs). The Provincial Planning Statement sets out criteria which must be considered by a planning authority for a SABE but does not include considering the loss of prime agricultural land. The protection of this valuable resource must be a central consideration during the SABE process, to protect both Ontario’s agricultural industry and local food supplies.

Respectfully submitted,

Darren Jones, CBCO
Chief Building Official