I do not support this…

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I do not support this proposal. Our beautiful prime farm acreage does not need to be used for garbage disposal. I bet there are hundreds of acres closer to where this garbage is coming from that would be a way better candidate than dresden is. It's way to close to downtown dresden where we already have to much truck traffic wrecking our main streets since the roads around are all half load roads for a portion of the year.
My sons daycare is a block away and I would really really hate for his clean air during outside play to be polluted with the nasty smells and horrible off gassing of chemicals during the processing. Please please for the sake of my child's and all other residents of dresden and surrounding areas quality of air and life, do not let this proposal go through.
There are far better options than planting a massive garbage dump beside a town. Take it elsewhere farther away from residential communities.
This land could one day be more beautiful subdivisions for more family's to grow and enjoy the amazing land around them. Do not put a dump here.
The cost of trucking this garbage miles and miles away to dump it in Dresden when it is not our own garbage must be enormous and not cost or fuel or climate Efficient. They all tell us we need to do better with our carbon footprints to save the earth yet will do ridiculous things like this!
Please save this land from being absolutely wrecked. Dresden deserves better and I would hope our municipal workers protect our town from something as horrible as this dump ruining our roads, air, traffic and natural beauty.
This land could be used for growing food not dumping garbage and then processing which you cannot make me believe is not putting harmful things into our air.
Please do not pass this proposal.
A neighbour who loves nature and all it has to offer.