A landfill of this size and…

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A landfill of this size and scope only 1km any from a rural farming town is like Dresden wrong on so many levels. They are going to destroy our air quality, water table and property values across the entire town. There are nearby streams that empty into the Sydenham river that will cause pollution for many animals and residents down stream. There are 2 schools less than 3 km from the proposed site. Air particulates from construction materials will damage our children’s heath. Our tourist attractions like Christmas town and night markets will be tainted by the horrible smell from this dump. They can call it a recycling facility all they want. We know what this is. A LANDFILL. Why on earth is this facility not close to a major highway like the 401 or 402 where fleets of dump trucks and transports are common place?? Is York1 going to pay to fix our roads? All just to save a few dollars on not having to re-zone the land? Shame on York1!!!

The greed and complete disregard for rural communities by corporations like York1 is sickening. I feel strongly that any politicians who allow this to take place are repugnant uncaring trash as well. Just like the dump itself.
Please do not allow these people to destroy our town!!