I find it very irresponsible…


I find it very irresponsible to even consider york 1's proposal for this project. Not only, has this been used only for ash from dresdens incenerator years ago (pre 1980), it by all means does not allow for expansion none the less a whole different gamut of debris (ex. asbestos), .....The close proximity and fluctuating water table /often flooding creates a GRAVE concern for RESIDENTS as well as NON residents. With "mollys creek" and the abutting sydenheim river being chalk full of ENDANGERED and PROTECTED SPECIES, one can only imagine the detrimental effect the close proximity this proposal could/will create. Adding to that, a huge amount of recreational fishing is common practice in the sydenheim river throughout the year (including the winter ice fishing season), with potential environmental isssues with said dump even contaminating human tablefare harvested from the watershed. Furthermore, with Chatham Kents prized and extremely rich valuable agricultaral farmland producing vegetable crops such as tomatoes, onions, carrots, beets, beans, sweet corn, brussel sprouts, cantelope, watermelon and peppers to name a few, it is of utmost importance to add water to ensure a viable healthy yielding crop. This only being possible by IRRIGATION methods from the sydenheim watershed. Chatham kent has and needs to maintain clean water in order to protect food consumption as well.