A full complete…


A full complete environmental assessment must be done, including baseline water testing. The property in question is protected by the conservation authority and this is insane that a landfill is even being talked about. Farm machinery is starting to travel on our roads and there is barely room for a car to pass some equipment, large trucks will not be able to pass safely and the school buses are also on the roads with our children. The amount of traffic and type of traffic caused by 700 trucks daily one way, is going to be unsafe for everyone concerned. A landfill needs to have quick access from highway 401. Combines take up the entire road at times and you must follow and pass when they are able to pull off to the side briefly (avoiding ditches, mailboxes and hydro poles. This is no place for 700 extra vehicles. Add in the tomato's wagons during harvest and tractors hauling vboxes moving grain and this is a disaster waiting to happen. People are going to be in grave danger on the roads.