Comments.: Remove sections 3…



Remove sections 3(1), 3(3) and 5(7) of Schedule 12. These sections seek to remove the public’s ability to appeal the adoption or amendment of Official Plans and Zoning By-Laws under sections 17(24), 17(36) and 34(19) of the Planning Act.

Land use planning decisions can have very significant impacts on the local environment and public health and safety and often disproportionately impact under-served and under-resourced communities. 

It is important that the public has the ability to appeal the adoption or amendment of official plans and zoning bylaws because currently what is happening is that applicants requesting the change complete studies which can be incomplete, data deficient and written in their favour. It is important that we hold everyone accountable to make the best decisions for the greater good and allow it to go through a process where another another set of eyes can review the data to ensure the best choices are being made for the future.