I am extremely concerned…


I am extremely concerned with many of the changes proposed in Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape To Build More Homes Act, ERO 019-8369
I live in Waterloo Region where 80% of our water is groundwater. The Regional Government has, over the past 50 years been a leader in groundwater management and protection. Large recharge areas have been protected in strategic locations within the municipality. Numerous measures have been developed to preserve our farmland, recharge areas, and wetlands all in an effort to maintain our healthy economy and community. In order to remain a leading economic driver in Ontario, I recommend the following:
1. Planning Authority should be retained by the Region of Waterloo,
2. Our Countryside Line should remain intact, and all forced boundary expansions eliminated,
3.Changes to Settlement Area Boundaries should not be permitted outside of regular municipal comprehensive review periods,
4. If planning Authority is removed from the Region, a major Greenbelt expansion is required to adequately protect the Waterloo Moraine and our water supply.
5. Planning Act Sections dealing with limiting Third Party Appeals should be rescinded just as they were when Bill 23 attempted to limit these important citizen rights,
6. The Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) should be required to permit third party appeals,
7. The Attorney General should disclose all communications with municipalities and developers requesting changes to third party appeal rights,
8. I strongly support the elimination of the Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator (CHIA) introduced by Bill 109,
I feel it is imperative that these changes be made to Bill 185 now, in order to ensure Waterloo Region remains a viable community, without the need for a multi billion dollar pipeline and without the needless development on our class one farmland.