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The proposal to a hunting season for double crested cormorants should be rejected. This proposal is based on shoddy science and a lack of basic understanding of Ontario's biosphere and its inhabitants. A species shouldn't be punished for coming back from the brink of extinctiin. Lire davantage

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If this passes, I will participate to help save our fish. Please support hunting season on the double crested cormorant in Ontario. Help protect our fish!

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I cannot believe the province is condoning yet another wildlife kill. Deers are hunted, to near extinction in some parts of Ontario, so coyotes don't have enough food to feed their families and have to travel into towns to root through human's garbage. Your solution ? Kill all the coyotes. Lire davantage

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The non toxic shot requirement should be scrapped, since the MNRF allowed this problem to proliferate despite the concerns of fishermen and now we have to clean up their mess. This solution was proposed many years ago, but fell on deaf ears? Lire davantage

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I feel that this should be passed in order to protect our fisheries and waterways from depletion due to the presence of cormorants. I like on Lake Nipissing and actively fish and recreationally use the lake often. Lire davantage

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I believe their numbers should be reduced by allowing a hunting season before they even start nesting. Its absolutely ridiculous how much these birds can consume. I have seen them eat fish as big as 2 pounds and seen them eat countless smaller fish. They are simply just eating machines. Lire davantage

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I am in favour of having a hunting season for the double crested Cormorant. Over the past ten years I have noticed an increase in the number of these birds, and noticed a significant decrease in the fish population of several lakes where I frequently see these birds.

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I would like to express my support for this legislation as I've witnessed the problems associated with the Cormorants in Ontario. As a canoeist and a hunter I've seen Island that were previously green and full of trees reduced to barren rocks once the Cormorants take over. Lire davantage

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Please do not so this sad unnecessary slaughter of the double crested cormorants they natural inhabitants of o ratio and have just come back from being endangered . Humans are the invasive species. Lire davantage

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I believe that the culling of the double crested is a great thing to have implemented. An example is at Whitefish Lake in Thunder bay area. An island there has been completely ruined due to these birds. It is white with the droppings. Also they say that they don't consume sports fish. Lire davantage

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We need this hunt to happen. To many island and water ways and fish and taking a terrible down hill slide due to this over populated birds. They destroyed one of the islands in one the the areas I fish in a matter of a few weeks. Due to your poop. The trees and plants dead all in 3 weeks. Lire davantage

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Would love to see this go through. We need to cull a lot of these birds out they eat to many fish and destroy so many islands. They need to be dealt with.

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Organized extinction or eradication of native species to the great lakes is an abominable decision that seems to lack sufficient independent study as to the actual ecological impact of the double breasted cormorant. Lire davantage

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I am concerned at the proposal to have a hunting season for double-crested cormorants from Mar.1 to December. As a cottager on Big Rideau Lake, a popular lake for summer visitors, I am concerned at the safety implications for the thousands of people who boat, paddle and swim in the lake. Lire davantage

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I have no strong opinions on a hunting season for the cormorants in general. As a citizen who owns a cottage on Big Rideau Lake (Rideau canal system) in Eastern Ontario, certainly, we`d like to see their numbers go down, but we can also live with the colony that is currently existing on the lake. Lire davantage

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I have no issue with allowing Cormorants to be hunted if you think that’s for the best. But it seems insane to allow it during cottage season! Can you not limit it to Spring and Fall? Thanks

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As a tax paying resident of Big Rideau Lake, I fully support this proposal for the following reasons: 1. These birds have been know to impact the fish population on the lake. 2. The islands (there is more than one) they populate have no vegetation. Lire davantage