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Please please pass this into being. Our local sport fishing sticks have been greatly depleted in most small lakes in Grey Bruce counties.

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I have seen the destruction cormorants are causing to local waterways (Peterborough county). The environmental devastation these birds cause when their numbers reach this level is immense. As a waterfowl hunter, I greatly welcome the opportunity be able to hunt these birds. Looking forward to it.

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As an avid outdoorsman in southern Ontario I have watched cormorants numbers explode in the last 10 years. I've witnessed them following vessels that are stocking yearlings in lakes and just gorge on the baby fish. I've seen small islands in the muskoka just destroyed by their fecal matter. Lire davantage

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I fully support the proposal to implement a hunting season for cormorants in Ontario. I live and fish near Mohawk Island on Lake Erie and have noticed over the past several years that the cormorant colony has exploded and displaced all other gull and shore birds that were commonly observed. Lire davantage

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Definitely need a hunting season to kill all the Cormorants. They are ruining the trees and eating all the fish. We need to stop them ASAP!!!

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I think it should be open season on these invasive species all year long and we shouldnt have to buy a permit for them because we wouldnt have them here if guys hadnt have introduced them here and we will be cleaning up the mess you the mnr have made. Lire davantage

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I think this is way way overdue, and it is about time something like this is proposed. Too bad it has taken so long. Devestating bird, needs to be controlled. Please let this happen.

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I can't believe its taken this long for this to come around. Small islands throughout Lake Ontario will thank you when they get a chance to grow some vegetation again!

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I hunt and fish everyday and I’ve been seeing tons more of these birds in the blind and a lot less fish .. not to mention they are along every island and land absoloutly destroying the trees and habitat where they live.. it looks terrible and such an eyesore.. these birds don’t do any good.. Lire davantage

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this is a great idea . i think it should be open longer in central and northern ontario to the end of October by the amount I see flocking together at that time. Lire davantage

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I support this proposed hunting season on double crested cormorants. I fish on numerous bodies of water including the Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay and have seen the devastation they cause with their rookeries on islands. They completely deciamate the land beneath the roosting trees. Lire davantage

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There is no question that these birds over populated, serve no real purpose in the food chain and have a negative impact by eating their weight each day from the sport fish populations. Lire davantage

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Besides the proposal to allow shotgun use for hunting, I propose the use of pre-charged pneumatic (PCP) air rifles with scopes. Most PCP pellet guns cost considerably more than most shotguns and are used at gun clubs or private property. Lire davantage

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Its a good idea but will be hard to control guys disposing properly. Also culls never really do well with vegans and protesters. Spraying the eggs again is the most practical solution to avoid mass controversy. Lire davantage

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The Cormorant population has decimated the unique vegetation on the Erie Islands and further areas within the provincially and federally Protected Hillman and Point Pelee marshes has suffered the loss of trees due to their nesting and roosting locations. Lire davantage