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Huron Stewardship Council

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For the past decade, the Endangered Species Act (ESA), 2007, has provided formal means of protecting Ontario’s 243 at-risk species and their habitats. Lire davantage

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Changes to the Endangered Species Act should improve protections, not water them down even further. Lire davantage

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Ontario should focus on preserving it's unique habitats and native wildlife, much as Costa Rica has. Costa Rica makes so much money around tourism revolving around education of all it's flora and fauna. There is no need to destroy what we were blessed with to make money off of destroying it. Lire davantage

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Dear OIntario government, Changes to the Endangered Species Act should improve protections, not water them down even further. Lire davantage

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Nature Barrie enthusiastically endorses this submission Ontario Nature. Preserving, protecting and expanding the Greenbelt is the only means we have at our disposal to ensure the survival of many presently Species at Risk in the face of the real threat of climate change.

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Changes to the Endangered Species Act should improve protections, not water them down even further. Lire davantage

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Please revise this Act to ensure that it balances the need for resource development (eg. forestry) in Northern Ontario. Currently, management systems such as caribou mosaics (DCHS) are forcing wood to be harvested when it should not be and reduces wood supply available. Lire davantage

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I fully support Ontario Nature's take on this document/proposal regarding the 10th Year Review of Ontario’s Endangered Species Act (EBR 013-4143) Lire davantage

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Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the 10th Year Review of Ontario’s Endangered Species Act: Discussion Paper, ERO number 013-4143. Lire davantage

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The “Big Picture Protected Areas Strategy for Ontario’s Carolinian Zone” developed in 2018-2019 with the involvement of over 60 different government agencies, First Nations and NGOs would address many of the challenges identified in the “10th Year Review of Ontario's Endangered Species Act (ESA) Dis Lire davantage

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As a professional Forester working in Northwest Ontario, I thank you for the opportunity to comment on the 10th Year Review of Ontario’s Endangered Species Act: Discussion Paper, ERO number 013-4143. Lire davantage

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013-4143 Area of Focus 1-Landscape Approaches 1. Both case by case and broad approach are needed, as each life is connected. Lire davantage

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Don't allow exemptions for the endangered species to any organization. We need better protection for them, not less.

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Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the 10th Year Review of Ontario’s Endangered Species Act: Discussion Paper, ERO number 013-4143. Lire davantage

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Species need better protection against encroachment from development and industry. A stronger environment and natural world allows us to thrive economically by increasing resiliance against disasters and flooding, improves pollination of crops, and mitigates climate change.

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I would like to make sure the review does not water down protections we now have in place. They are not strong enough. Changes to the Endangered Species Act should improve protections, not water them down even further. Lire davantage

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It can look like nothing more than “scrub” or a dried up patch of wasteland. “Well there’s no shortage of trees” say many people. “Don’t worry, we’ll plant new ones” say others. “It’s just a swamp” or “there’s a river nearby” are popular rationales for developers. Lire davantage

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Thank you for the opportunity to submit a comment on the discussion paper “10th Year Review of Ontario’s Endangered Species Act”. I have organized my comments by Focus areas. Focus area 1: No comments Focus area 2: Lire davantage

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Ontario Ginseng Growers Association

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The Ontario government has set out an objective of reducing red tape by trimming unnecessary regulatory burdens on businesses and harmonizing regulations with other jurisdictions. Lire davantage