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I want strong protection for Species at Risk in Ontario. You must prioritize conserving species at risk and the habitats they depend on through improved implementation of the Endangered Species Act in its current form. Lire davantage

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Do not change, diminish, the Endangered Species Act IN ANY WAY for economic development! Ontario is not a business and not for sale.

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“The Ontario Endangered Species Act is a last line of defence against extinction in an era that scientists have termed the sixth mass extinction on the planet.” - CWF Lire davantage

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Modifying the endangered species act to help businesses is one of the worst things that we could do for our country. Lire davantage

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The primary goal of the review should be to ensure that wildlife maintains or increases in size and protections are enhanced to ensure that nature is not adversely affected in the future.

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I'd like to beg for STRONGER protection for our endangered and threatened species. I live very close to an area protected for it's blanding turtle population, and every year I watch them log more and more of the surrounding woodland away. Lire davantage

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Economic development is not synonymous with geographic expansion. We woefully underutilize our developed areas and addressing that should be the priority not simplifying the destruction of more habitats.

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I would humbly request nothing be done that would eliminate any of the protections currently in place for species or their habitats.

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Instead of altering animal protection laws to make it easier for economic interests to destroy our fragile environment the government of Ontario should be focusing on strong protection for Species at Risk in Ontario, which means a prioritization on conserving species at risk and the habitats they de Lire davantage

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I want strong protection for Species at Risk in Ontario, which means a prioritization on conserving species at risk and the habitats they depend on through improved implementation of the Endangered Species Act in its current form.

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Protected species and protected lands are vital to Ontarians own health and well being. Unchecked development, lossening restrictions on development and blatant disregard for protections in place will harm us all. I support the comments put forward by the Canadian Wildlife Federation: Lire davantage

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Please do not change and therefore weaken the ESA. In fact make it tougher for developers to destroy habitat. The animals, all animals have more of a right to be here than we polluting, destroying, harming, 'progressive' humans.

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Do NOT increase economic development within the existing Endangered Species Act. This will put habitats and struggling Ontarian species at even greater risk for decline. Once lost, what is gone cannot be restored! Please vote on the side of things which cannot protect themselves. Lire davantage

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Re EBR Registry number 013-4143. Any changes to the Endangered Species Act should further protect endangered species and their habitats. Streamlining of permit processes should not reduce the quality or quantity of information required to make informed decisions on whether to grant a permit. Lire davantage

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The Ontario Endangered Species Act is a last line of defence against extinction in an era that scientists have termed the sixth mass extinction on the planet. Canada’s wildlife depends on innovative regulations, policies, and programs that make conservation of species at risk the primary goal. Lire davantage

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Please don't ruin what precious environmental resources we have left. Save the monarchs, turtles and bats! Lire davantage