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SUPPORT SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY. I am in support of forestry and sustainable harvesting operations where animals and loggers have equal rights to survival.

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If it wasn't for Canadian Wildlife Federation publicizing and defending "at risk species" to federal and provincial goverenments consistently and faithfully over the last many decades, this country would be much poorer for it. Lire davantage

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My reactions to the discussion paper are mixed. I agree that the Endangered Species Act (ESA) could be improved; I do NOT in any way support changes to the ESA or its administration that result in reduced protection for Species at Risk (SAR). Lire davantage

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Ontario doesn't need anymore cement covering land or uprooting trees an vegetation, if it keeps going the way it is there will be no trees or any green left by the time you have great grand children. THAT IS NOT FANTASY!!!!!!

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Endangered and species at risk must be protected. The responsibility of government must be to protect any at risk or endangered species. Lire davantage

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The landscape approach should be used. Wildlife does not respond well to habitat alterations or destruction. As the intelligent species we should be doing everything we can to ensure that specific habitat types all across the province are protected and we should plan accordingly. Lire davantage

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Firstly, I believe maintaining a healthy and diverse environment across Ontario and Canada is extremely important. As a child, I have very fond memories of my father taking me to all the fishing spots his father showed him. Lire davantage

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The 'almighty' dollar need NOT be the primary driving force in making decisions. We need to think about the future of our environment, not just business. Business won't keep the earth healthy, it will only help line some pockets. Lire davantage

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Protecting Ontario's endangered species is not red tape. We cannot allow greed to ruin our environment and must prioritize keeping Ontario livable, healthy, and strong for all humans and animals that already live here.

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I am taking the position that the government is interested in consulting on this matter in good faith for the benefit of our democratic ideals (See Arnstein’s Ladder of Degrees of Citizen Participation (1969). Lire davantage

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The farmers plant their crops at the beginning of the cycle. The crops harvest the sun’s energy, are then harvested by us and the cycle is renewed. We have been comfortable with this since the beginning of agriculture thousands of years ago. Lire davantage

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"for being unclear, administratively burdensome, time-consuming and costly for applicants, and for creating barriers to economic development." Lire davantage

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Tom Fisher Logging Inc.

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I have a small to medium sized forestry company working on the Westwind SFL and also in Algonquin Park. We are a crew of 50 people, half are employees of TFL and the other half are subcontractors working for TFL and their employees. Lire davantage

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Just protect species. We need to not go backwards or even maintain the status quo for if we do we will be left behind. Encourage investment and innovation but not at the risk of species. Once the damage is done it is more costly and difficult to reverse. Protection above all else. Lire davantage

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It is so important to stop pretendting that we are the only species living on this planet. We were not the first ones here but if we don’t better legislation like the ESA then we will most definitely be the last. Lire davantage

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We have a responsibility to protect wildlife for Canada the world, even if that means "red tape" for businesses.

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Good Morning, Please find attached the City of North Bay's submission for the 10th Year Review of the ESA. The submission includes an: 1- Inforamation Report from City Staff to Council. 2- Schedule 'A' is the City's Response of the questions within the review paper. Lire davantage

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Concerned Citizen. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the 10th Year Review of Ontario’s Endangered Species Act: Discussion Paper, ERO number 013-4143. Lire davantage