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Climate Change: really I needn't say more. This is a reprehensible bill; it has no sense of duty to future generations, and is a selfish retrograde policy.

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The regulations and so-called "red tape" addressed in this bill were put in place for a reason; they save lives. Removing regulations from child care facilities will put children in danger, which is not the answer to "affordable child care". Lire davantage

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Allowing unlicensed home day care providers to care for more very young children will reduce the quality of life for these most vulnerable members of society, placing them at risk. Lire davantage

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This proposal is outrageous as it is a complete reversal to Ford's promise at the election. This is unacceptable and this is a big insult to the democratic system where we are supposed to trust and have faith in the elected leadership. Lire davantage

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This bill is a huge step back when it comes to labour laws and environmental protections; the idea of repealing the Toxics Reduction Act while people and governments worldwide are struggling to decrease their environmental impact is mind-boggling.

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I have no idea what this administration thinks it's doing. This is not the 'Northern USA' aka Trumpland. We need to protect the environment and strengthen regulations. Harming the environment, children and workers should be our priority. If Mr. Lire davantage

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Do not repeal elements of the wireless act. This is purely an attack on consumers to satisfy the big telecoms. Disgusting and abhorrent. A government that claims to be for the people continues to remove protections designed to help protect those among us who need it most. Lire davantage

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If you were planning on not breaking election promises this year then not allowing any development on our cherished green belt should be your top priority! Don't destroy the green belt!!

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Proposed changes to home-based childcare regulations fail to truly address the need for affordable quality childcare spaces in Ontario. I believe that these changes will not have the intended effect. Lire davantage

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I am strongly opposed to Schedule 9 with regards to the Employment Standards Act. Ontario already lags behind other provinces in the country for legislated employees rights and benefits. Repealing these sections of the ESA is a significant regression. Lire davantage

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This is outrageous. You are going backwards and are causing harm to our future generations. This needs to be stopped and never passed. Lire davantage

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I am very concerned with this bill, and do not agree with it's contents. We should be taking care of our environment, and of our citizens and this bill would jeopardize both.

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I fail to see how removing removing protection from harmful chemicals and threatening our water supply can even be seen to be a good, positive thing for Ontario in any scenario, let alone one of economic growth for all the people in this province. Lire davantage

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I'm all for creating more jobs, but this is a step back. This bill isn't modernizing, it's making living and working conditions less optimal with a weak promise of more jobs and less red tape. Why aren't we focused on creating more quality jobs? Lire davantage

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Government’s first responsibility is to its citizens. This bill puts business interests before the health and safety of citizens. Lire davantage

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I disagree with many aspects of this act and believe that it is not at all in the best interest of the citizens of Ontario and instead is meant to serve corporations and businesses in undermining the standards that they are currently being held to. Lire davantage

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This bill unacceptably places short term economic interests ahead of Ontario residents' interest in preventing environmental harm and degradation. Lire davantage