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I support Rondeau cottages forever. I support the 3 year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907.  I support automatic implementation of the extension to save time, money and hassle for the government and the cottagers. Lire davantage

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I am in favour of the lease extension for the cottages at Rondeau Provincial Park and strongly in favour of a rapid and permanent solution for long term occupation of cottage lots. Lire davantage

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Rondeau cottagers make the park special. Rondeau cottagers give the park community continuity. Rondeau cottagers deserve to be treated as full members of the park community. Rondeau cottagers should be given permanent tenure on their lots. Lire davantage

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I am in favor of anything and everything that leads towards a fair and equitable long term arrangement for the rondeau cottagers. Do the three year extension and get on with the permanent solution. Thank you.

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Please be advised that I support the continuation of the Rondeau cottage community in perpeituity. I also support the three year lease extension in ERO policy proposal 019-0907. This lease extension should be granted automatically to all existing lease holders. Lire davantage

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Rondeau cottagers make the park special. Rondeau cottagers give the park community continuity. Rondeau cottagers deserve to be treated as full members of the park community. Rondeau cottagers should be given permanent tenure on their lots. Lire davantage

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Statut du commentaire

I am in favour of the continuation of the Rondeau cottage community in perpetuity. I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Proposal 019-0907. This three-year lease extension should be granted automatically to all existing leaseholders of record. Lire davantage

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I am very strongly in favour of a permanent solution to allow the heritage cottages in Rondeau Park to remain. Towards that end, I am in favour of the proposed lease extension to make this happen.

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I approve of the extension. My family has a cottage in the park, and my children love it there. Please approve the extension and put a end to these short term arrangements and make cottages a PERMANENT fixture in Rondeau. It would be a WIN WIN WIN for all parties concerned.

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I strongly support the permanent continuation of cottaging in Rondeau Provincial Park. I support the three year lease extension described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907 which should automatically be granted to all current leaseholders. Lire davantage

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Statut du commentaire

I support the continuation of the Rondeau cottage community in perpetuity. I support the 3 year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This lease extension should be granted automatically to all existing leaseholders to minimize hardship. . Lire davantage

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Statut du commentaire

I am in full support of the continuation of the Rondeau cottage community . Ialso support the proposed three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This lease extension should be granted automatically to all existing leaseholders. Lire davantage

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Statut du commentaire

I support the continuation of the Rondeau cottage community in perpetuity. I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This lease extension should be granted automatically to all existing leaseholders. Lire davantage