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I support the continuation of the Rondeau cottage community in perpetuity. I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This lease extension should be granted automatically to all existing leaseholders. Lire davantage

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I am in favor of the lease extension for the Rondeau Cottage community and believe the extension should be automatically granted to all existing lease holders promptly. The continued presence of this community is important to the history, vitality and economic health of this area.

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Ontario parks needs to save the Rondeau cottages the 3 year extension is a start they need to find a permanent solution to save the cottage community sooner than later Lire davantage

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the cottages of Rondeau need to be saved Ontario Parks have run the Park Down in recent years The Government Dock is Gone a focal point of the park for Kids fishing or just enjoying the sun set The bird watch tower is also gone witch was a great hike and fantastic view of the bay, Now the marsh tra Lire davantage

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I support the continuation of the Rondeau cottage community in perpetuity. I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This lease extension should be granted automatically to all existing leaseholders. Lire davantage

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We support the lease extension. I was born and raised in Chatham Kent and Rondeau is a long-standing part of the fabric of the community both culturally and economically. Rondeau was created by the Government of Ontario with cottages in mind. Lire davantage

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Rondeau Park was founded in the 19th century as a Park for Cottagers. The cottages occupy less than 1 % of the Park area. The presence of the Park, the Community Yacht Club and other historical recreational features are a valuable asset in Chatham Kent. Lire davantage

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Cottages in Rondeau has been the reason Rondeau is Rondeau. They are what has made Rondeau Park. The cottages HAVE NOT destroyed the park, but have preserved it so it can be enjoyed by almost anyone, even the handicapped. Lire davantage