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No consideration should be given to this idea without better protection for female bears and cubs. Financial penalties are not a sufficient deterent, as 10, 000 is not even a quarter of days pay for some in our society. Lire davantage

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No, the spring bear hunt should not be reinstated. There are so many reasons: - not needed to control population - we can't continue to kill bears at a time when species are dying out at an unprecedented rate. Lire davantage

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Please stop promoting killing/hunting of those voiceless animals. If you want to lessen the population of these animals please just put them to sleep. Not teaching the people or kids to be violent. Those living creatures has life like all of us here!

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I am opposed to a spring female black bear kill. It seems to me that hunters will not necessarily be able to identify females without cubs and kill mother bears, leaving cubs orphaned. Lire davantage

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I would like to see the Ontario government abolish any form of bear hunting and, instead, promote eco-tourism. This will still bring revenue to the province and will also protect the bears. Why people take pleasure by killing an animal is beyond me. Lire davantage

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No. Bears should be protected and not hunted. They have every rights to live here, they were here first. No animal deserves to be tortured and killed. It is ignorance and greed at the highest level!

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While I feel your proposal is looking at the right direction I feel we as Ontarians need to think of wildlife first and not the income / economic prosper from hunting. Hunting is a sport not a necessity. Animals should not be killed for sport. Lire davantage

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Do not renew or extend the spring bear hunt. Do not. Do not. Do not. There is nothing to be gained by having orphaned bear cubs. Our constant exploitation of nature for human benefit, and tourist goals should be subservient to a higher purpose. Let us respect the science. Let us respect nature.

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I think it’s cruel that’s not hunting to me use their nose against them. Luring them to a pile of sweets and sit in a tree above them boy that’s a sport ! Like come on and then not only slaughtering the adults but in doing so you leave young cubs that can’t survive on their own to die.

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I am concerned these changes will result in an increase in orphaned bear cubs. Please do not make these changes. I own a summer cottage on lake of the woods

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We should definitely not reinstate the spring bear hunt on a permanent basis. To do so because it is lucrative for the government or because it supports tourism is a grave mistake. It is impossible to tell a male from a female bear at a distance. Lire davantage

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Please do not allow the spring bear hunt. It is barbaric, and portrays Ontario in an extremely negative light. I would think the province would be embarrassed that this cruel practice is even up for consideration. Lire davantage

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Why not trap and neuter them? This is disgusting killing off bears just because we're growing and taking over their land. not our land! Murderers if you kill them.

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No way. We are looking animal around the world. We need a balance. No scientist is equal to the nature. Don't destroy the nature. Hunting is not a sport. It is evil. If anyone like hunting go and hunt bad human.

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I do not agree with this proposed barbaric, bloody hunt!!! Leave the bears alone!!! Enough with the slaughter of innocent bears trying to live their lives! Shame on you Ford for even proposing such cruelty!! 😡😡😡