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I do not support the Spring Bear Hunt. Should environmental intervention be needed due to population concerns, then address them as they happen. This continues to demonize not just bears, but any "wild" animals. Let nature take care of itself, and intervene if needed.

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I support the animal rights activists to continue a ban on the sport of bear hunting . This is a danger to bear cubs and totally unnecessary just for the personal gratification of the hunters .

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I find this permanent spring bear hunt objectionable. I see no benefit from it. It makes me wonder if it's a bid for less administration and more for tax revenue from tourists. It would create many motherless cubs unnecessarily. Lire davantage

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I think the whole spring bear hunt should be abolished! Let momma bear care for her cubs when they are still needing the care. It is too difficult to tell a male from a female bear. Orphaned cubs end up needing to be sent to a wildlife rehab area, or they die. Lire davantage

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Nature is at the mercy of human development. We have lost 60% of our global wildlife in just over 40 years. This is CATASTROPHIC. According to WWF, see in link field: Lire davantage

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Hi Please do not implement the black bear hunt. It is unnecessary. To reduce encounters with the human population more effort should be put into ensuring food waste is not available. See the attached from the government of Ontario. Thank you Jeff Lire davantage

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I think it's about time we get a permanent spring bear Hunt. The population is crazzy high in a lot of rural Ontario. Even if it was lower I still think a spring bear hunt is perfect idea. Will bring a lot of money into Northern Ontario.

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How sad people are stupid and the bear will suffer the n our area from simple minds they don’t know to dispose there garbage .If u shoot it you should eat it all .

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I do not understand why on earth any one of us humans would still be allowing this hunt of bears to be happening while the bears have their babies on their side this time of the year it's terrible. Lire davantage

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I have seen the explosion in bear population since the cancellation of the spring bear hunt. We see cow moose with no calves and deer with no fawns. The bears have become so plentiful they are moving further and further south and in to civilization. Lire davantage

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Why must there be a bear hunt at all ? No one is hunting for food, merely the bloodlust. Declining populations from man's interference ie; destruction of habitat, is bad enough without murdering bears, worse; bears that have young cubs, leaving orphans to starve to death. Lire davantage