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In the spring hunt, slow-moving mother bears who have just emerged from hibernation are easily targeted often leaving orphan cubs as collateral damage. How is this ethical or humane? I urge extreme caution in these decisions...

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My family and I are in full support of the return of the spring bear hunt. My brother and I have been fortunate enough to participate in the "pilot project" spring bear hunt for the past 3 years (2017 - 2019) in WMU 37. Lire davantage

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So the Ford government wants to bring back the Spring bear hunt How barbaric. I will do everything I can to make sure that the Ford government is voted out of office. I will go door to door and remind people the cruelty of this government

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This is nothing short of animal abuse. You state you are for: “The protection and conservation of natural resources, including plant life, animal life and ecological systems.” Lire davantage

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I am against the spring bear being permanent or temporary. It is not necessary to have Spring Bear Hunt at all. It is enough of shooting and killing for money and sport, as well as food. Lire davantage

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In the spring, mother bears have just gotten out of hibernation, they are slower and clumsy. To kill a mother bear is to kill the babies too. In addition, people use unethical methods such as bear baiting to lure the bears out so they are an easy kill. Lire davantage

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It's great to see the MNRF with the current government reinstating the spring hunt that never should have been cancelled in the first place. Lire davantage

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I do NOT support this disgusting, bloody cruel hunt. Very few hunters can even recognize a female bear so orphans are left to die a painful death! 😡 STOP THE HUNTING!!!

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Please don’t bring back the spring bear hunt. I believe in sustainable wildlife management but there is too much risk for irresponsible and cruel hunt behaviour. The use of baiting, dogs and the likelihood that young bears will be orphaned. Lire davantage

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Wildlife hunting can lead to cruel and inhuman deaths. Not to mention potential accidents and deaths in humans. If an animal’s population needs to be controlled, it should be done by professionals in a humane and well thought out manner - not left to hobbiest and hunters.

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How are you ensuring mother bears aren't accidentally killed? This seems so backwards, killing other beings should be an absolute last resort, not a management strategy

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I totally agree that the black bear spring bear hunt proposed changes are required and should be implemented. I am a trapper and have seen the increased pressure in the forest due to the closure of the spring bear hunt. Lire davantage

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Every time I think this province is done violating biodiversity and putting certain interest groups first, it does something else to surprise me. Lire davantage

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I strongly disagree with bringing back the spring bear hunt! Come on Canada, duh. Why would we want something that has already been banned, for good reason, to be reversed?

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As a Canadian citizen and an Ontario resident, I do not agree with your proposal to implement a regular spring black bear season and encourage you to reconsider. Hunting black bears is unnecessary and can negatively affect the ecosystem.

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Absolutely do not open up a bear hunting season. If there are truly issues with population control, then they should be culled by the proper authorities in a humane and strategic way. Lire davantage

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I request that there be a moratorium on bear harvest on the Bruce Peninsula as other human-caused threats - road mortality, habitat loss and fragmentation and human-bear conflicts - are on the rise. Lire davantage

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This is a concern. In the spring hunt, slow-moving mother bears who have just emerged from hibernation are easily targeted often leaving orphan cubs as collateral damage. Please dont bring back this hunting season. It is very harmful to the bears and Cubs.