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I am against this bear hunt. We need to preserve and protect the shrinking bear habitat. We could also drop truckloads of imperfect foods from grocers and restaurants etc in remote bear country to prevent starvation and make their search for food in human populated areas less of a necessity. Lire davantage

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I believe that this is a great idea and will only benefit the province financially as well as in managing the black bear population in way that benefits both animal and humans.

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Moose Horn Lodge

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Great strides forward on the bear hunting issue. Once the MNRF reinstated the spring bear hunt, we closed our fall hunt because too many large females were being harvested. We never liked the fall hunt because of this. Scientifically, the spring hunt is the better hunt to have. Lire davantage

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I am in full support of this proposal. This is a science based approach to renewable resource use. Failure to properly manage the black bear population by closing the spring season resulted in many social and economic difficulties for Ontarians. Lire davantage

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Please speak out against the proposal to expand the Ontario Spring Bear Hunt from a pilot project (which ends this year), to an annual event from May 1st to June 15th. The only slight reduction of the hunt would be in the Bruce Peninsula, where the hunt would be from May 1 to May 7th. Lire davantage

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Hunting in today’s world is just killing for fun, unless there is an issue of black bears attacking people, in cities, then leave them alone. Lire davantage

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Stop the killing of our wildlife. If people choose to live in areas where the wildlife live, then they need to accept their choice and leave the animals alone. Killing animals for sport is nothing to be proud of....its sick and shameful.

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This hunt is barbaric, cruel, unnecessary. Stop caving into the trophy hunters. We the people in vast majority do not want this and if it goes forward all involved will lose their JOB.

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I think this is a very bad idea. How are hunters to know if there are cubs? Getting ad bad as the States where Donald Trump had okayed shooting of bears while they are hibernating. Disgusting. That's not hunting. Please don't do it

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I strongly oppose this spring bear hunting proposal....Why are we orphaning cubs??? Please do a thorough study before a hasty decision.....must we destroy every living creature that we should be co-habiting with???

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I am commenting on the proposed reintroduction of the spring bear hunt. Our planet is losing species at a breathtaking rate, their remaining habitat is being developed/ destroyed by humans and you want to kill more. I am vehemently opposed to this hunt. Lire davantage

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I live in rural southern Ontario, a little east of Toronto, and I am opposed to the implementation of a spring bear hunt. In the spring hunt, slow-moving mother bears who have just emerged from hibernation are easily targeted often leaving orphan cubs as collateral damage. Lire davantage

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There should be no bear hunt. We need to leave nature alone. We hunt the bears then it effects the whole food chain. Then we'll have to hunt everything below on the food chain because it's out if balance. Enough.

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Mass slaughter for the pleasure of a few is unconscionable! Especially so in the spring when bears are weak and have offspring to raise. Worse, the meat is not consumed by majority of hunters. There have been only 25 fatalities of humans by bear in North America the past 20 years! Lire davantage

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Under no circumstance is this ok. I don’t care what the reason is: tourism etc... THIS IS NOT OK. This is Canada for gods sake and we should be treating our wildlife like Canadians; with respect.

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This hunt is unethical and should not happen. Most other areas of Canada, North America, and the rest of the planet are doing away permanently with this kind of animal abuse.

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Spring bear hunts are similar to shooting fish in a barrel . . . but with a lot less skill required. Even so-called "ethical" hunters are opposed to it. Lire davantage