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Allowing this black bear hunt to continue has broken my spirit. I am not in favour of the hunting of any animal. They bear young, they have feelings, and unless provoked or disturbed they keep to themselves. If this travesty is allowed to continue is must be modified in the following manner. Lire davantage

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It seems an unfair contest between hunters and bears when baiting is used, especially if it lures hungry bears closer to communities. Having dogs track bears is also stacking the deck against the bears having a chance of escaping death. Lire davantage

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I find hunting disgusting the fact that Fish and Wildlife as well as the government panders to the 3.8% of society that hunt and decimate species is appalling - People who kill Animals for trophies are nothing short of psychopaths why do you continue to cater and pander to the morally bankrupt and e Lire davantage

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Re: ERP 019-1112 As a Canadian who prefers to vacation in our beautiful wild spaces within Canada and who cares deeply about our wildlife, I urge you not to extend the hunting season of black bears in the Spring. Lire davantage

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I am totally against the spring bear hunt. As a government you should protect these animals instead of killing them. This is the problem with governments they make decisions without knowing the real setbacks this could have on the climate and possible extinction.

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The spring bear hunt in Ontario was a cruel and outdated practise years ago that I was very ashamed of. Don’t even consider returning to those in humane times. Bear cubs are orphaned due to the spring bear hunt and that is shameful.

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HUMANS aware the cause for the disruption and demise of our planet. Wildlife like the Bears, Bats, Wolves, Foxes, are Losing their Habitats at an Alarming Rate. They are an Integral part of our Eco System. Humanity is Greedy, Selfish, Heartless, and unfortunately Souless. Lire davantage

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Hi, I strongly oppose the spring bear hunt – it should be cancelled. The initial government rationale from 2014 with respect to human safety enhancement through a spring bear hunt was never realized. In fact human safety along with the safety of other animals is compromised by hunters! Lire davantage

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This is unacceptable This could result in more cubs being orphaned and killed as a result, upsetting ecosystems, creating wildlife conflict and putting people at risk, too. Don't created unnessesary suffering of animals and people who love animals live, not dead.

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This is unacceptable This could result in more cubs being orphaned and killed as a result, upsetting ecosystems, creating wildlife conflict and putting people at risk, too. Don't created unnessesary suffering of animals and people who love animals live, not dead.

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I feel the spring black bear hunt even if it's is only a week seems like a very cruel hunt. How is a hunter to know if a female Bear has Cubs if they are too young to be at her side. I am concerned these bears will be destroyed and the pain and suffering of the Cubs is unnecessary. Lire davantage

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There are a great deal of issues surrounding the existing spring bear hunt that have not been addressed appropriately. While The Fur-Bearers strongly oppose the spring bear hunt and believe it should be cancelled, there are issues that must be considered if it is to continue. Lire davantage

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The hunting of black bears, especially in the spring, should not be looked at as a "boon for the province's economy and tourism sector", as stated by John Yakabuski. Hunting of any species should NEVER be driven by purely economic interests, especially here in Canada, where we are considered a Lire davantage

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Money this is what it's all about.tourist money, resorts making money, animals dying so man can make a buck.moose, deer, bears, as long as there is a buck to be made, off topic creeps pay up to 63000.00 to kill lions etc, again it has nothing to do with conservation, today's animals are dying horri Lire davantage