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I personally don’t not feel the hunt needed ... the animals are at a unfair advantage. Live and let live... we as humans do not need relay on wildlife meat to survive. Leaving cubs to defend themselves is inhumane...

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Please do not renew the spring bear hunt. It takes advantage of weak bears emerging from hibernation, including mothers. Cubs will be orphaned and suffer. I support the shortening of the bear hunt season on the Bruce.

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You are doing this for money not over population or any interest in the animals, I have seen many fall and for that matter spring bear hunters and stands, most have been within 2 kilometers of dumps with barrel filled with rotten meat and fruit juice with a stand just feet away, it is not easy to te Lire davantage

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Hunting has been a way of life for many years. When you put no value on wildlife that is where you will start running into problems. Black bear populations are strong and need to be maintained in order to keep the animals healthy. Lire davantage

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Why would you choose to hunt a healthy population at a time when global warming is likely to change ontario? People don't even eat bear, this is purely for money from a sick sport please suspend and end bear hunting, this year and beyond!

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Please don't make the bear hunting permanent. It's inhumane, unethical and cruel. Each and every animal on earth has as much right to be here as you and me.

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This hunt is unethical and inhumane, the bears are not hunted for food, but for fun and tourism. Its abhorrent to be allowed to hunt slow moving mother bears coming out of hibernation for sport and leaving orphaned bear cubs behind

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I would like to add my opinion to the proposed reintroduction of the spring bear hunt. Unless the Government Ministry of Natural resources decides that our wild animals and environment are important enough to protect we should maintain the status. Quo. Lire davantage

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This is unjust and unethical and in no way benefits wildlife or their habitat. This is appalling to even consider when there is no need for this to go into effect. This is negligence of power.

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Absolutely NO! This was banned for a reason in 1999. Our world has lost enough animals through extinction, fires, and other man caused issues. Leave them be. Killing 1 bear could mean killing multiple if it’s a mother bear leaving behind new cubs. Do NOT bring back a spring bear hunt!

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I strongly oppose the black bear spring hunt for the following reasons: There is already hunting permission in place for the fall hunting season There is a hunting prohibition in place for most animals during spring as the young are reared Lire davantage