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Region of Peel

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RE: Region of Peel Comments on ERO Posting 019-2745 (Power Assisted Bicycle (E-bike) and Cargo E-bike Pilot Program Proposals) Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Power-Assisted Bicycle (E-bike) and cargo E-bike Pilot Program Proposals. Lire davantage

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Hi, I totally disagree with this new proposal as an ebike user myself I depend on it to get around so do many other people, as bus's and taxis are very expensive and not everyone can afford to commute this way to work or to get groceries as I live in a small town of 12,500 people out of these 12,500 Lire davantage

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Pembina Institute

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We support a legislative and regulatory framework in the Ontario Highway Traffic Act (HTA) that allows the use of cargo e-bikes for urban freight delivery purposes. Lire davantage

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To Whom It May Concern: The proposed legislation being considered is flawed in so many ways. It should not be allowed to proceed as considered. Lire davantage