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Canada's national park system was established to protect the wilderness spaces that were and are so important to our identity as a nation. Protecting our existing wetlands in Ontario's greenbelt from development is one important step to honour that tradition. Lire davantage

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Please do everything you can to protect the safety of the ecological habitats ! Please increase protection, increase land that needs to be protected from construction

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I would like to support the largest expansion possible of the greenbelt, in particular the rouge river upstream of the national park and the watershed of Duffins creek.

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It is clear that we need to protect more green space, especially in the face of ruthless self-serving politicians bent on dismantling and paving over the green belt space that already exists. Lire davantage

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I support expanding the greenbelt. We need these green spaces not only for the simple aesthetic pleasure they provide, but also the mental relief from enjoying the beauty of nature and the economic contributions from the animals and insects they harbour (e g. Lire davantage

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Expansion of the greenbelt is absolutely essential to preserve flora & fauna which support the larger ecosystem and ultimately the climate & air that we breathe.

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I fully support growing the Greenbelt. We are at a critical time in history, where courageous decisions must be made, that will help slow climate change. Lire davantage

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The largest possible expansion of the Greenbelt will protect ecological corridor and keep important natural areas off limits to development. The Rouge National Urban Park and Duffin's Creek are the areas for restoration and enhanced protection.

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Make the Greenbelt bigger. Stop all MZO's. Increase protections for natural areas in all of Ontario. Encourage smaller families and less immigration - human overpopulation is causing most of our environmental problems and social problems.

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We simply have to increase the green belt. We know that until Nature is in harmony, viruses will continue to expand and grow. Humanity cannot live with the danger of viruses killing us off. Nature is supreme and we must realize that.

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It is very, very sad and disappointed to see growing subdivisions and bilding new roads when on the other hand farmlands , forests, places for animals to thrive disappeared. More homes, stores, roads = more garbage, waste, pollution. What will we leave for generations to come ? Lire davantage

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In this time of climate crisis expanding the greenbelt is a no-brainer. We need more green space with its trees to provide carbon sinks and to preserve habitats for wildlife.

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Yes, expand the greenbelt around the GTO as much as possible. The headwaters of Duffin Creek and the Rouge River should be included. Many urban people need access to natural areas for enjoyment. All need the ecological services of quasi-natural areas.

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The largest possible expansion of the Greenbelt will protect ecological corridors and keep important natural areas off limits to development The Rouge River upstream of Rouge National Urban Park and Duffin’s Creek are key areas for restoration and enhanced protection and connectivity.