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After reading through the proposal I am disgusted to see that we are willing to trap animals for sport. It is not a natural way of life for these trap animals and would put them in harms way for sport. Lire davantage

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This is a cruel practice and was discontinued for that reason. Please do not move forward with reinstating this practice. Animals do not deserve this intense fear and isolation but deserve to be able to live their lives in the wild.

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to whom it may concern, nobody maybe someone cares about all wildlife? i have lived on the lakeshore in toronto for 16 years and i have seen the devastation that dogs have already done to our wildlife! many babies have been killed and the last slaughter was a family of beavers! Lire davantage

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Just simply please stop this act. Keep the "Natural" in the job title and consider how inhumane this process is . So many awful things in the world going on right now so this could be taken away and add a positive to a very short list of current events !

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The proposed trapping of animals specifically for the enclosed training of hunting dogs is cruel and unusual. Whether or not they have been trapped legally and whether the environmental impact will be neutral, the trapped/hunted animals should be treated as autonomous, not simply as prey. Lire davantage

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Description on of your proposal sounds like animal cruelty! Think about it. Totally against this proposal. Work within the already existing confines or find another way to train dogs without inflicting animal cruelty. Why would you ever think this is an acceptable practice to treat animals? Lire davantage

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This is absolutely disgusting in this day and age that this is something our government allows. In what world is unnecessary cruelty to animals permitted for sport or “hunting” - shame on the provincial government for allowing this. I stand against this barbaric and outdated behaviour. Lire davantage

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This is disgusting. Please do NOT make this archaic practice a common practice. This is inhumane and we don’t need it.

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No living being deserves to live their entire life in fear like these coyotes, foxes, and rabbits would. This is animal cruelty. Please do not pass this piece of legislation.

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This proposed change is outrageous. It is inhumane to treat animals and wildlife this way. It's a step backward and it is shameful the way this government is proceeding.

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This is barbaric and backwards and I am certain that compassionate Canadians are against this.

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The fact that we as Ontario are in the news for regression on animal welfare is an embarrasment as a Canadian. Lire davantage

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This is just awful. How many ways to say barbaric and cruel. This puts the entertainment of people above the right of animals to exist and live in this world. Have we not risen above this mentality. Hunting as a sport is a very different thing than hunting to sustain oneself. Lire davantage

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Please stop this practice of trapping wildlife to train hunting dogs. Absolutely do not pass the amendment to the FWCA legislation to encourage animal cruelty and suffering. There’s enough suffering in this world. Lire davantage

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The use of trapped wildlife to train hunting dogs is inhumane and should be abolished. Since that it not being debated with this bill, I speak strongly against allowing the issuance of new licences or transferring the licences of current holders. End this cruel practice! -a citizen of Toronto

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I am writing to express my deepest dismay that the Ontario government is considering pursuing this cruel and inhumane practice of using penned wildlife as hunting practice for dogs. This has to be one of the most horrifying proposals I've ever heard of. Lire davantage