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We are well past this as a necessary practice or way of life. At this point it is animal cruelty and should be treated as such.

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It is absolutely appalling! Stop this nonsense and focus on the real issues!

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This is arguably the most barbaric proposal yet of the Ford government. What’s next, opening up the Toronto Zoo to hunters? You have ridiculous priorities. Shame! Do NOT do this.

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This practice should be abolished and never reintroduced - it’s nothing short of animal cruelty for sport.

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To who's benefit is this? How long will it take before man stops messing with Mother nature. Totally against training dogs to kill like this. At one time when people needed to hunt for food they did it by tracking, with skill and did not take more than they needed. Lire davantage

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It is highly offensive that a small group of individuals has lobbied the government to even consider this proposal, let alone legislating it. Please do not allow this inhumane and cruel activity to become legal.

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This is the most ridiculous proposal I've heard of in a long time. In this day and age, these barbaric caged hunting practices should be banned outright, not given government approval! It's a shame to Ontario and Canada even to consider this practice. Lire davantage

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I vehemently oppose this proposal. It is inhumane and unethical, and a blatant contravention to the objective of Fish & Wildlife Conservation Act. This Act exists to protect our wildlife and not serve the needs of hunting enthusiasts.

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I think this proposal is for a horribly cruel and a disgusting practice. Do not approve. Stop.

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The Criminal Code of Canada prohibits anyone from willfully causing animals to suffer from neglect, pain or injury. This is enforced by police services, provincial and territorial Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and/or provincial and territorial ministries of agriculture. Lire davantage

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The impact assessment appears to have been on been prepared for the trial facilities. We should have an impact on the total numbers of new hunting dogs any new facilities should generate. That would have an effect on wildlife as hunters will use those dogs outside of the facility. Lire davantage

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"the issuance of licences for new dog train and trial areas through a one-time 90-day application period" Is there a number of licenses that the ministry expects and will we be notified of where these new areas are?

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Just checked my calendar to confirm that this is in fact 2023 and not 1823! What kind of barbaric, twisted and dangerously out of touch individual(s) think that this cruel and ridiculous proposal is anywhere near acceptable in this day and age?! Seriously??!! Lire davantage

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This is a disgusting and cruel proposal and our society should be above such practices.

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Thank you for the opportunity to comment. I am totally opposed to this proposal. The animal cruelty involved is unacceptable by today's standards.

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There is no place in our society for the using wildlife as bait for the purpose of training hunting dogs. This barbaric practice is out of date, cruel and inhumane and I urge you to close the existing facilities that are being used for this purpose.

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Ontario, you are better than this!! I strongly oppose the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses, and the transfer of existing licenses, for dog train and trial areas in Ontario. Lire davantage

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This is simply egregious!! Everywhere around the world, countries are recognizing these cruel practices have NO business in the 21st century. Every single other civilized country is banning practices like this and this despicable government is instead spiraling us back to the dark ages. Lire davantage

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I am firmly against this barbaric idea from the Ontario government. It is a sick, disgusting idea.

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Not that I would expect this regressive government to pay any attention to a call for comments if the Ontario Place debacle is any indication, but this government governs at the will of the people. The people of Ontario do not want this. This is animal cruelty, plain and simple. Lire davantage