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The proposed amendment to Ontario regulation 826 is a good proposal and will keep the mapping of the area very accessible and also in the interest of the community

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As a resident in the affected area, I would be happy to see it added to the NEC's purview. I support this proposal!

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I feel the inclusion of Pleasant View into NEC's development control is long overdue. NEC would provide consistent and vigilant oversight on this area that is very necessary for its continued protection. Thank you.

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Hi there, I would like to oppose any tree cutting on 711 York Road, I read your news piece on it and it mentioned comments would be accepted until September 6th. Thank you, Shannon

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Conservation Halton

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Conservation Halton (CH) staff have reviewed the materials prepared for the City of Hamilton’s Pleasantview Area Land Use Study. Lire davantage

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As the Councillor for Ward 13, and Pleasant View in particular, I support the amendment to include the area in Development Control under the Niagara Escarpment Plan and the Niagara Escarpment Commission: Lire davantage