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I think the proposal to change the catch limits and size limits are very necessary and timely in order to address the walleye populations in LOW, which are currently at risk. Lire davantage

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I fully support the proposed changes but non-residents of Canada should be allowed only a conservation limit. Also, the daily limit and possession limit for everyone should be the same - 1 or 2 fish but definitely not 4. Lire davantage

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Hey was just reading the new walleye limits I think you go with your second option can only keep walleyes between 35cm and 44cm or 45cm and one over 70cm I just look how good that slot size has helped out rainy lake for the walleye population I live on rainy lake and have caught so many big walleyes Lire davantage

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I believe in science and if this will help ensure the future of this excellent fishery in the border waters of the US and Canada; and as an American who's been fishing there for almost 60 years; I support your efforts. We fish in and around Falcon Island, to include Tug Channel, primarily. Lire davantage

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If I have to pick an option it would be option 2. However I don’t understand why the MNRF can’t just implement the same regulation on the lake of the woods as has been utilized for many years on the Winnipeg river system. It is basically the same fisheries. Lire davantage

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How can you have a fishery to the south (Rainy) with a 35 - 45 cm slot and one to the north with a 35 - 45 cm slot (Winnipeg River) and the one in the middle is different!!!!??? And yet all 3 are part of the same watershed/body and are all part of the same fishery. What a joke! Lire davantage

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I have read with interest the propsal for Lake of woods walleye fishery and would like to comment. 1. If this proposal goes ahead, why is there not a time line specified. ie 5 years. Lire davantage

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Will there be any changes to the netting regulations by the Indigenous? Reducing allocations. Reducing gill netting permits? Reducing length of nets and mesh size. All types of fish and sizes are caught in their nets and die. Lire davantage

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No walleye over 18" should be allowed to be kept. Why not just implement the slot size that is used on the Winnipeg River system this would make things much easier for people, keep it consistent.

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I would hope that this information is gathered by people who have lived on Lake of the Woods all there life ...I have lived on this beautiful body of water for all of my life and fish it regularly. Lire davantage

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We fully support a 2 walleye limit, but it needs to be FMZ wide, else the small and medium size walleye lakes will be decimated even more than they currently are. Also, there should be zero walleye harvested over 18-inches. And we can’t wait any longer to do this. It needs to be immediate.

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I have been fishing on Lake of the Woods quite often in the last 7 years and for most of my lifetime before that. I think the fishery is very strong on the main lake in the north half. I don’t understand why we would go to a 2 fish limit. If I thought that was the case then I would be all for it. Lire davantage

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Change the limits of all non resident anglers and leave the residents limits as they are. Buy out the commercial fishing quotas NO day trippers from the USA via water to fish. They give nothing back.

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As prices rise , gas and all other expenses it's going to be a big discouragement for lots of people who go out for a feed of fish. I love the lake and fish is a bonus for us. Lire davantage

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I attended the presentation in Kenora Nov 22, 2022 and found it quite informative. The proposed plan is acceptable. I hope it will help the lake re balance.