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When I think of the short-sighted thinking being undertaken by Ontario's Doug Ford government, I feel very helpless, depressed and worried about the future of our world. We have so much land that we could be using for housing. Lire davantage

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This bill will undermine conservation authorities and natural wetlands. This is NOT the solution to the housing crisis. This bill is NOT what the citizens of Ontario want. Stop this bill!

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It's abhorrent that the government would even consider these changes. Wetlands are essential in preventing floods, safeguarding water quality, preserving a large number of species and our biodiversity, and preventing more carbon emissions. Our wetlands must be protected at all cost!!

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1. Establish a “user” working group to discuss and review changes to the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System prior to finalizing changes. Lire davantage

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As a certified Ontario Wetland Evaluator and wetland scientist with many years of experience evaluating wetlands and delineating wetland boundaries in Ontario, I am left dumbfounded by the currently proposed changes to the current OWES manual and instructions. Lire davantage

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As someone who values wetlands for the incredible services they provide (water storage, water filtration) which taxpayers would otherwise have to pay for infrastructure to deal with, I have to say the proposed changes to OWES are absolutely terrible. Lire davantage

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The proposed changes to the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System (OWES) are not so much about housing as they are about gutting wetland protections. Lire davantage

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Instead of eliminating the OWES complexing and scoring criteria, please work with conservation experts such as Conservation Authorities to amend the OWES criteria for complexing and scoring using a scientific approach.

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Please see the supporting link for a PDF copy of AMO's Submission to ERO 019-6160: Consultation Related to Bill 23 - More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022: Comments to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry on ERO 019-6160 Lire davantage

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Canada a nation once naked with innocence, housed by lose who cares and cherished its lands. Lands that fed, clothed and sheltered it’s inhabitants. Rich with a plethora or immense resources gathered for what was needed. What was needed. Lire davantage

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Wetlands are and will become an increasingly important buffer from worse and worse flooding caused by climate change and more and more of the landscape being covered by developments - especially impermiable developments. Lire davantage

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The government must realize that the use of wetlands throughout Ontario by species at risk is not an unimportant factor in protecting these habitats from development. Lire davantage

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The Ontario Federation of Agriculture says the province is facing an increase in the rate of farmland loss as urban sprawl swallows up land previously used for growing. Lire davantage

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I am extremely against this proposal as it puts the health of Ontarians and the environment we live in at higer risk. Wetlands are an extremely important ecosystem in Ontario and destruction of them has many negative effects. Lire davantage

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Wetlands, green belt and farm lands should remain as they are - they are too important to lose! Ontario needs affordable homes, that’s the crisis. Simply building homes faster isn’t going to help those that need homes but it will definitely benefit the developers. Lire davantage

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My thoughts are that this proposal is comepletey short-sighted and takes no consideration of the damaging long-term environmental effects this would have on Ontario. Lire davantage

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The area where I live, the Quinte region, currently has 100 Provincially Significant Wetlands throughout the watershed.  According to staff at Quinte Conservation, changes to the wetland evaluation system would mean that there would only be 1 Provincially Significant Wetland remaining, representing Lire davantage