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Please do not change the green belt. The green belt was established to prevent exactly what you are proposing. Urban sprawl needs to be contained so that green spaces can be closer to the Golden Horseshoe not further away. Lire davantage

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Please do not do this, I voted conservative for fiscal responsibility. Not further destruction of the province. If you want to solve the housing crisis look towards the hoards of vacant condos with overseas owners. Lire davantage

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I'm concerned about the impact of opening the greenbelt, especially with regards to the climate change we are experiencing. The greenbelt contains flood plains and provides some environmental stability which will be destroyed so that more houses can be built.

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While the notion of a one to one exchange of land area seems reasonable at first, it becomes obvious that this will significantly impact the green space immediately around existing towns and cities. The spaces are precisely the ones we need to preserve to prevent urban sprawl. Lire davantage

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We need to be intensifying urban areas, not sprawling further out. By building more middle and high density housing where it’s close enough to utilities that it is financially sustainable, we can simultaneously increase housing and the financial productivity of our land. Lire davantage

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Do not damage/harm the Greenbelt. Ontario does NOT need more urban sprawl. We need densification. These recommendations have already been provided to the Ford government and been ignored. Stop allowing for restrictive residential zoning that limits densification. Lire davantage

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Shortage of land is not the primary reason behind our current housing crisis. Opening up protected lands in the Greenbelt area for development won’t help alleviate the issues we are facing while creating a massive ecological loss for Ontario. Lire davantage

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Honestly, have some dignity and respect for the environment. Stop thinking about how you and your friends (developers) can make money. Have some heart and stop being selfish and greedy. Lire davantage

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We do not need to expand into the greenbelt for more housing. What we need is denser housing in our existing cities and towns. Expanding into the greenbelt is terribly inefficient for infrastructure, we need to increase usage for our existing infrastructure.

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The issue of housing is a nuanced problem, and one where looking at effectively utilizing spaces already available and proper community planning should be key. Developers who currently hold land that they are not moving forward with developing should also be looked at. Lire davantage

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We can find alternative routes to pave the highway, what we can't do is bring back critically endangered species after we've paved over their homes and destroyed their food sources. Last time I checked it was called Ontario's Green Belt not the Black Top.

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This proposal to open up 7,400 acres of the greenbelt is unconscionable. The Greenbelt is supposed to be protected forever. CONSERVED. There is land elsewhere to build on. I oppose this proposal. Lire davantage

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Please do not let the Ford government open the green belt to developers. Southern Ontario has such a beautiful and interesting biodiversity we need to maintain for future generations. Please put the environment and animals and plants above profits. Lire davantage

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As a concerned Ontario citizen, developing the Greenbelt is something that cannot be reversed. It will have drastic consequences on our ecosystem that will cause great damage to the wildlife around it. To build more homes, there are numerous other ways to address the housing shortage. Lire davantage