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If we keep equating progress with development we’ll continue down a path that benefits only those involved with the development and nobody else. And seriously you all still think that damaging this planet further is something to be tested? Lire davantage

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Absolutely disgusting that this is even being proposed. These lands are protected for a reason. It isn’t as simple as just “adding more land somewhere else” as Doug Ford wants to say. Lire davantage

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As a tax paying citizen of Ontario I simply refuse to see the greenbelt protection removed. I do not accept the removal of rights of the Conservation authority. I do not approve of or consent to the development of a new highway in the greenbelt. Lire davantage

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Please consider utilizing existing infrastructure to expand housing options for low and middle income earners and support employment in these areas as well. Please consider that this space was deemed protected from these types of proposals specifically. Lire davantage

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This is an absolutely terrible idea for all of Ontario and will only benefit Doug Fords friends. It’s time the government looked at purchasing existing empty building and repurposing them for rent controlled housing. Lire davantage

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This must be stopped. Doug is a puppet for all the developer friends who want to make money and have no care for our land or the negative impace this development would have. How dare you. This is NOT what is needed right now!

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We need to protect our green spaces, and this will be going against what the greenbelt is a necessity for. Find a more suitable location to build houses, that will not impact our conversation areas and protected wildlife.

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The green belt is a home to many species of animals. We do not need more mansions. Please consider using all the empty office buildings for affordable housing ! Please remember money cannot buy air. We need the green belt for the sake of air quality as well. Human greed must have boundaries. Lire davantage

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I do not support the use of Green Belt lands for the sake of housing development as outlined in this proposal. There are surely other options available to the current government to re-zone already developed lands or convert existing buildings/structures for multi-use or residential housing. Lire davantage

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This is ridiculous and something Ontarians do not believe in. Our green belt contains a variety of irreplaceable nature, animals, and other wildlife that would be all but wiped out with this plan. Lire davantage

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This is absolutely disgusting and horrible for the future of Ontario. We do not need development in greenbelts, we need to protect these lands to allow future generations to see a good Ontario.

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Hi there. You said you wouldn’t touch this land! What you’re doing isn’t necessary. Use land we are already using and buildings we already have. Do the right thing Doug. The more we destroy our plant, the less time we’ll have here.

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It's important for you to see that your promises matter, so I am commenting here. You know perfectly well that you already promised to not do this and you're obviously using current events as a distraction to slip this by. That's what crooked, corrupt politicians do. Lire davantage

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This is absolutely abhorrent. We can’t let our protected land be destroyed, animals displaced and habitats wiped out just so our premier’s friends can put more money in their pockets. Lire davantage

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Please protect our Green Belt! Doug Ford promised to leave the Green Belt alone-- you need to uphold your promises. The animals deserve a place to live, we need to preserve our Green Belt!

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This is unspeakable. This land is protected land that we the people do not want turned into more unaffordable homes. The housing crisis won’t be fixed by building more expensive housing. This is a scheme to make profits for government investors along the new highway (also something no one wants). Lire davantage