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Please do not disturb more of our nature and leave the green belt protected from man made structures that would change the environment forever and force the animals living there out. Lire davantage

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Please do not do this !! I am completely against this decision. Build housing in existing areas instead of destroying forests, greenery, and habitats. The Greenbelt is a protected space that should be kept that way.

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You must not put the almighty dollar above protecting our forests and wetlands in the Greenbelt. We do not want to live in a concrete jungle! You said you would protect it, now live up to your word.

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The green belt is protected land it should not be destroyed for a new highway and to build mansions we need affordable housing not house that people can’t afford! We have already taken so much green space away stop destroying more!

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I would suggest using some of the already vacant buildings in Toronto and surround area to provide AFFORDABLE housing. Taking away the greenbelt will have severe environmental consequences. Losing the greenbelt should not be considered. Lire davantage

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The green belt was promised to be left untouched by Doug Ford, and now while our economy, healthcare and education systems are collapsing, it is appalling and utterly disrespectful to the people of Canada to think that development of protected and sacred land could even be proposed, let alone quietl Lire davantage

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I feel in a time where a biodiversity is constantly under attack that allowing for the green belt to be open for development will be actively aiding in the destruction of several species of fauna and animal. Lire davantage

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Absolutely not ok. Our precious greenbelt is protected for a reason. If this allowed to go forward, the line will have been crossed and there will be no going back. We will not be distracted and gaslit any longer by Ford and his billionaire developer donors. This ends now.

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Do not destroy the beautiful piece of land, that we worked hard to keep. This is not a useful way to spend money when we have empty buildings to use for housing and hospitals that need funding!

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Please leave the green belt. Protect the wildlife and nature. Let’s repurpose office buildings down town that sit nearly empty. Let’s lighten the restrictions on building middle tier low rise multiplex homes. Stop protecting the super wealthy when the middle and low class are drowning. Lire davantage

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Absolutely not. This is a disgusting use of protected land that is essential to wetlands and wildlife in Ontario. Don’t backtrack on your work to not touch the Greenbelt. Think of our green spaces more highly than simply land for your taking.

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Green belt is protected land. It should stay that way. Use empty buildings already built. STOP lining the pockets of the 1%. They don't need to be richer. Doesn't anyone in government have honour and keep their word.

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The Greenbelt should be kept intact. It is ecologically important and we were promised it would not be developed. When you start to take chunks of the existing Greenbelt, you compromise the integrity of an ecosystem. And that's so damaging Lire davantage

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I urge the Premier to: withdraw the plan to remove lands from the Greenbelt; get on with a meaningful Greenbelt expansion that reflects public input - repeatedly promised but never delivered by the Ford government; Lire davantage