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Hey here's an idea, how about we put nature before money for once and leave the greenbelt alone? I'm sure there's other places to build homes that doesn't involve destroying the homes of our plant and animal neighbours. Lire davantage

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I do not support this proposal. We are in a critical point in time where we need to preserve our natural areas. Any destruction and removal to the green belt will result in more economic and environmental challenges for the people of Ontario.

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This proposal is ridiculous we need more affordable housing within the city limits. We need Doug Ford to stop thinking about his millionaire friends and what will make them more money and start thinking about actual people that need the help. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt in Sudbury must not be developed. The greenbelt is one of the main attractions many people choose to live in Sudbury. Given the geographic size of the city of greater Sudbury there are many other areas where infil can occur rather than new development. Lire davantage

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I do not think homes should be built at the expense of surrounding protected lands that are vital to our environment. We cannot claim to prioritize the environment as a Province and Country if we only do so when it is convenient. Lire davantage

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Touching our Greenbelt is so incredibly short-sighted and just plain ignorant. It incenses me that greed is chapter one in this government's play book. I'd say you should be ashamed of yourselves but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't even know the meaning of the word. Leave our Greenbelt alone!!

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Regardless in the long run the green belt is still technically getting bigger that’s not the point it is protected land for a reason you can not just pick and choose parts of the land you just want to take. There other places abandoned places you can do the exact same thing to. Lire davantage

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Expanding into the greenbelt doesn't make any sense and goes against the comments Doug Ford made in 2020 about "we're not going to touch the greenbelt." Use some ingenuity and find another way without destroying protected land.

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This is a disgusting betrayal of the people of Ontario. The environmental impact of this proposal alone should have been enough to stop it in its tracks. This is just another example of greed showing up in our system.

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Please don’t do this. We need to protect the animals and nature that we have in this beautiful country. It’s important to preserve the Greenbelt for future generations. There was a promise made that said that no development would happen on the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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I am devastated to hear of this proposal. I live directly next to the oak ridges moraine and could not begin to imagine the effect this type of development would have on the region. Lire davantage

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Please leave the green belt alone. Let conservation halton do what they do best. This more and faster thing sounds like a cash grab and a way to build a bunch more garbage homes.

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Absolutely DISAPPOINTED AND DISAGREE with this proposal!!!! I am a resident of Ontario near the Green Belt, and it’s important that we do everything we can do protect it. Lire davantage