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I am sure I am screaming into the void, but I would like to add another comment to the pile stating that this decision is undemocratic and will lead to the further erosion of quality of life in Ontario. Lire davantage

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The Green Belt is an integral part of the Province of Ontario that needs to be preserved and if anything expanded. Rezoning this land for residential development is short sighted and selfish. It serves a small number of wealthy developers while hurting generations of Canadians. Lire davantage

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I do not want to live in Ontario without the green belt. The species of the green belt are already at risk let’s not push it further. This is disgusting that I even have to comment about this proposal because the Canada I grew up in would’ve never tried this. Lire davantage

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I whole heartedly disagree with developing the green belt in Ontario. At thistime, with climate change being of utmost concern, green space needs to be respected and upheld. There is wildlife that depends on this space and humans and environment that depend on the trees there for oxygen. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt is protected for a reason, and this plan is extremely short-sighted. The city of Hamilton overwhelmingly opposed this from the beginning, and our city council passed a motion to uphold the community’s wishes. Lire davantage

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There are so many empty houses due to being bought for the purpose of renting and then sitting half empty. Rent through the roof for people that can't afford to get into the broken housing market. Lire davantage

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Please do NOT develop the greenbelt. With global warming incoming and devastating results and world relationships, we will NEED the land to farm, make oxygen and sustain ourself as a country. Do Not develop.

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In a world where we see the negative affects of climate change, species extinction, and broken ecosystems daily why should we allow another loss of valuable environmental and ecological diversity. Our response should be, NO! Lire davantage

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Climate change is one of the greatest risks to humanity today. Increasing density while preserving the little remaining greenspace in southern ontario is far better than making an irreversible change that will forever damage the integrity of this precious green space. Lire davantage

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Stating the obvious but this is a move motivated by money and not the housing crises; and to benefit the developers and donors of this government. Going back on election promise is not surprising for this government, that they think we’ll allow it is embarrassingly surprising. Lire davantage

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I'm born and raised in the Golden Horseshoe; I grew up in Oakville and now live in Hamilton. I've lived in Quebec and recently spent the past year in Vancouver, two absurdly beautiful places. Lire davantage