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I absolutely object to this proposal. The greenbelt should remain a conservation area protected from land development. Animals, birds, insects, plants, mosses all depend on these areas. We also need green spaces. You would be impacting negatively the ecosystem. Lire davantage

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Please reconsider. There are so many better options than destroying the green belt to create housing. This is not something that can be taken back. The vast majority of people in Ontario are not in support of this.

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We need to keep our green spaces green. We have hurt the environment to much already. And seeing the damage already from how much we have taken from the earth without giving back to it. Lire davantage

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Gutting the greenbelt doesn't seem like a good idea in the long term. It'll just move the problem along a few years and destroy a valuable asset in the meantime. Wouldn't higher density housing be better solution. Please reconsider. Carla, Brant/Brantford

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Little Doug Ford, Resign, and stop hurting the people of Ontario. You’re very bad at your job - which is to represent ALL of Ontario, not just the minority who voted for you. So resign, stop hurting Ontario's people and environment. Every idea you have had has hurt us. Resign.

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I am against this proposed change as it will have a negative impact on the Greenbelt that our farmers, and biodiversity rely on. Please reconsider this and find another solution to the housing crisis.

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The proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt lacks foresight into protecting our climate in the future. Taking away this land will contribute to urban sprawl, increasing the distance people will need to drive in their cars, take away vital farm land and contribute negatively to climate change. Lire davantage

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There is plenty of land (eg. In Richmond Hill) that is approved for development but the developers have yet to put any houses in the ground. These need to be prioritized above changing the greenbelt forever. Lire davantage

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No building on the current greenbelt and expand it to include the proposed additions. I disagree with this current proposal as it is short sighted and seems designed to benefit particular land owners to the detriment of the people of Ontario.

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This is the worst idea I have heard in so long. I am very against the idea of using protected land to create suburbs. This will not help solve the issues with unhoused people, the housing crisis, or helping families who are struggling. Lire davantage

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Developing of the green belt is a poor choice for dealing with housing crisis. Urban sprawl should not be encourage, especially over ontarios best farming land, and land with ecological importance.

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think it’s absolutely despicable that our gov is planning on taking away some of our precious greenbelt for the same suburban homes we’ve seen that add no real value. The fact that these houses are no where near any well paying jobs means more highways, construction, and more green land lost. Lire davantage

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Ben Palmer - Niagara Falls Please scrap this plan entirely. The greenbelt is important and selling it off to real estate developers would be an ignorant, destructive, short-sighted thing to do. Lire davantage

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Please do not do this. There is enought space to build literally anywhere else and all that will be built is high end luckery condos. Which does nothing to help ease the affordability crisis. So just don't.

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I live in Vaughan. The green belt is practically my backyard. Prove to me why developing this land benefits all the people of Ontario and not just a few already rich people. You were elected to represent the best interests of those who elected you but I’ve yet to see that. Please do better. Lire davantage