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This is completely shortsighted and irresponsible. The greatest threat the humanity is climate change and human greed. This provincial government has zero sense of responsibility to keep this planet and those who inhabit it safe. This is only about money. Unacceptable. Don't touch the green belt.

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These proposed changes are a travesty. We are stealing from our future to prop up our present. There must be better placed for new homes to be built that do not compromise our precious conserved lands. This development plan is short sighted and morally corrupt. Lire davantage

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I believe this is necessary step for Canada to provide more housing. People are talking about build up and rezoning but demolition and rebuild takes time. Not to mention that will make the traffic worst.

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We need affordable housing! We do not need to sacrifice our environment to build houses no one can afford! Our healthcare and education systems are on the brink of collapse, and our environment is also being pushed to its limit already. Lire davantage

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I am AGAINST using any greenbelt for new development. There are loads of places to first densify in our cities before it could ever be appropriate to even consider developing on the greenbelt. Lire davantage

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Considering Doug swore he would listen to everyone and not touch the green belt - i can’t believe this is even up for discussion. He wants to line the pockets of his rich friends, make housing complexes for rich people while destroying the environment. Lire davantage

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The proposal for development of the Greenbelt is putting profit over people. I wholeheartedly disagree with this development and I believe most Ontarians agree with me. Otherwise, why would Doug Ford promise not to touch the Greenbelt in 2018? Lire davantage

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I totally disagree with the proposal of new development in the greenbelt. This is a disaster for the environment and the future generation. It is a shortsighted decision and a shortcut solution to the housing issue. Lire davantage

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This is a terrible idea! The green belt is protected for many many good reasons. If you want to create housing to address the housing shortage than try repurposing empty office buildings in Toronto. This would give you a very high density solution without disrupting our environment. No! no! no! Lire davantage

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We really should be focusing on the housing crisis for poor people, there are many empty office buildings that can be used. The green belt plan doesn't help lower funded people or our wild animals, only higher funded individuals. We need to focus on our unhoused and lower funded citizens.

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these lands keep us healthy....... keep the eco- system flowing and great hikes.... there is other land you can use that does not hurt are future environment.... Lire davantage

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We should NOT be trying to develop the Green Belt. Not only does it make Doug Ford a blatant liar, but it also is in opposition to climate change scientists, ecologists, and engineers who are saying it will cause flooding, have negative impacts on ecosystems, and overall is unnecessary. Lire davantage

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Urban sprawl does not foster the type of development Ontario needs. Ontario needs housing development that focuses on increasing population density so that public services become more efficient. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt needs to be protected at all costs. Building new homes unnecessary. There are plenty of available homes. They need to be made affordable. This is just a ploy and I’m not buying it.

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Sooooo you want to continue letting immigrants come to Canada, BUT THERE is already a housing crisis, and to rectify this you want to build into the Greenbelt?!!!! It's infuriating! We already have so many structures that are under utilized, or even empty because of COVID and teleworking. Lire davantage