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Absolutely not. We need to protect the green belt. Wetlands and biodiversity are a huge factor to long term sustainability. The green belt provides us with so much and it is protected under a conservation authority for a reason. Lire davantage

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Stop development of the greenbelt. This will cause environmentally and fiscally unsustainable sprawl. This is a broken promise from an untrustworthy and unaccountable government. Keep your promises. Lire davantage

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I don't understand why they would develop the area. Ontario is huge do we really want to cut into a beautiful part of the province and do irreversible damage? Once those houses are in we can't just kick those people out if in the future if we decide we want to return the space to the environment.

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Why is this government so intent on forcing sprawl on us. Is nothing sacred but money? Are you not aware of climate change? Hamilton has overwhelmingly spoken. It's not even population growth that seems to be the goal here. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt is there and is protected for a reason! We need wetlands and biodiversity, and farmlands - among the many ecosystem services this helps protect our drinking water and prevent flooding. Lire davantage

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Mr. Ford, I met you briefly when you stopped in for gas on the 400 Northbound at the Canadian Tire years ago, just after your brother had passed away. I believed in you and your brother all those years ago and you had my full support. Lire davantage

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This is completely crazy. The fact that the city is growing shows that we need to maintain even more green space around Toronto - not less. Focus should be on rezoning current residential areas to allow for more high density housing and building the appropriate infrastructure around it.

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We have been seeing the affects of global warming, the rate of those affects has been hastening more and more every year. We almost had summer in November. We need housing, but touching the greenbelt is not the answer. Lire davantage

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The purpose of the greenbelt is to preserve and improve the ecology of which our cities are a part, around which we live. It is essential, and unreplaceable once developed into roads and rails, residential or industrial or commercial real estate. Lire davantage

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I am extremely upset by this proposal. The greenbelt must be protected and is home to so much wildlife vital to Ontario. We were promised the greenbelt would not be harmed and now its being destroyed. Lire davantage

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As a parent of a young child it horrifies me that the Ontario government is planning to destroy the greenbelt to build housing. The affects on the environment of this plan are terrible. We're at a tipping point for climate change so why continue on this path by building on the greenbelt? Lire davantage

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Doug, you ran on the promise you would not develop the Green Belt. You are lying to the public if this goes through. Please publicly express to the people of Ontario if there is a logical reason to break your promise. We do not approve of this.