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Ontario has the best open-space of protected green nature that protects wild animals and allows many enthusiasts of nature (myself included) which allows to clear our heads, and enjoy nature. Throughout this year, we are at an alarming rate of deforestation. We are not FOLLOWERS, we are leaders. Lire davantage

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The Ford government's decision to override the urban boundary decision, is totally absurd. If the greenbelt is developed, that puts our forests, farmlands, wildlife, and drinking water at great risk. We cannot let this government get away with building houses that people can't afford. Lire davantage

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No sane person wants to compromise the Greenbelt. It's been made readily apparent how absolutely crucial it is that we not only keep every bit of it, but continue to expand it. We need more protection for the environment and more protection for local farmland. Lire davantage

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We do NOT need to develop the greenbelt. It has an important ecological function. That land MUST be preserved because it acts as drainage for rainfall. What good is building a whole bunch of housing if it is just going to flood? Most of toronto is zoned for single family housing. Lire davantage

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I do not support this proposal. These sites are designated for a reason. If you change the designation, it does not automatically change the habitats, wetlands, and animals that currently reside there. Lire davantage

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Opening up the greenbelt against the promise made by Doug Ford does not address the housing crisis. What is needed is afforable and non profit housing in urban areas. Changing commercial areas that are disused into residential high density afforable housing is a more productive use of this money. Lire davantage

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I think this is a horrible idea, and in no way do I support this. This is not the right way to address the affordable housing crisis in this province. Developers and investors are buying up housing and driving up costs... Lire davantage

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Dear Ministers Clark and Smith, I am writing to express my opposition to Bill 23 and associated policy proposals that would weaken environmental protections and undermine public involvement in land use planning and decision-making. I am particularly concerned about the: Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt should not be a place for housing developments. The proposed changes encourages urban sprawl and will not solve our housing crisis, let alone put a dent in it. Lire davantage

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Please dont sell any acre of greenbelt as studies have shown it won’t fix the housing shortage but will start to impact the environment at a crucial time when we need to protect it. Instead look into allowing more condo, munti-level homes to be built that are more affordable.

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I'm Ontario resident living in a greenbelt settlement area. I'm strongly against removal of any greenbelt lands. These lands were established as protected to maintain water supply, farmland, a healthy environment, and provide habitat and linkage corridors for wildlife. Lire davantage

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Please do not destroy green belt for 50k homes. Homes can be built anywhere and does not need to be in green belt. I understand the province is trying to build it elsewhere but we need it where we live!!

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There are many justifiable reasons to keep the Greenbelt undeveloped from an environmental, economic, and tourist perspective. You seemed to know this when you PROMISED during the election campaign to preserve the very important Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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This change will harm the current residents of the GTA and benefit the billionaire land developers. The greenbelt provides significant benefits for the city and the surrounding ecosystem [1]. This expansion is designed to enrich the top 0.1% [2]. Lire davantage

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We need to protect the greenbelt, our conservation areas and farmland. More houses are great but pretty useless if we can't grow food and have to rely on imports. And once our greenspace is gone where will we go to enjoy the natural world? Where will our kids go? Lire davantage

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Leave the green belt alone! Once it’s gone there is no going back. There are TONS of vacant buildings and homes that could have their properties repurposed. We don’t need to access use the greenbelt to build the homes needed. Lire davantage