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This government’s immediate backtracking on its own promise to not develop on protected green space is a disgrace. Your focus is clearly on lining the pockets of your own inner circle at the expense of the health and future of the ontarians you’re supposed to serve. Lire davantage

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First healthcare and education, and now the green belt? I doubt the people will stand for this, we do not need to build residential areas and take away the protection of conservation efforts. Lire davantage

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Hamilton, Ontario does not need to expand its urban boundary to create homes. There are plenty of empty buildings in the city to convert to housing. Our wetlands and other landscapes are crucial to biodiversity. Please save the green belt. Lire davantage

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I think it is ridiculous to believe a portion of our Greenbelt is going to be taken for houses. The land was set aside in 2005 as a PERMANENT hold against development. I just didn't realize permanent in reality only means about 17 years. Lire davantage

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Keep the green belt as it is. There is more than enough room to densify already existing spaces. Compared to where I have lived in Europe, Canada's density - even in the GTA - is far too sparse for people to live in walkable neighborhoods. Lire davantage

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I am writing to express my opposition to Bill 23 and associated policy proposals that would weaken environmental protections and undermine public involvement in land use planning and decision-making. We need to protect the environment now more than ever! Lire davantage

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If the conservatives build or touch the greenbelt myself and my extended family will never vote conservative again and we will boycott any business associated with the construction

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We wholeheartedly oppose all of the amendments proposed by Ford and the current provincial government. Destroying parts of the Greenbelt is not the solution for the housing crisis.

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Please do not let Doug Ford tear apart our green spaces the green belt is a protected area for a reason. I am not impressed that Doug Ford is going back on his word he said that he would not touch the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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Mr. Ford, You are making the single most heinous mistake if you continue with this Green Belt project. You should be ashamed for all the harm you are doing to this country. Stop.

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Bill 23 is proposing sweeping changes to several legislation pieces, including but not limited to: Greenbelt Plan Ontario Heritages Act Conservation Authority Act Planning Act Places to Grow plan Some elements of this act proposes: Lire davantage