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What the Ford Government is doing is disgusting. He promised he would not touch the Green Belt and yet, here we are. No Government or individual should be able to destroy protected land. Especially not to line the pockets of Ford's buddies to build a highway no one needs or wants. Lire davantage

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I am vehemently opposed to alterations in the greenbelt areas of Ontario, especially in the GTA. There is a long history in this country of taking good land and substituting it for less desirable land. Is this the legacy we want to leave for our descendants?

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Stop building on the green belt, it’s protected land for a reason. It’s ruining the ecosystem and there just going to be multiple issues wi Tf wildlife for people who reside near it. LEAVE THE GREENBELT ALONE WE DO NOT WANT THIS. Lire davantage

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Build up, not out. Being conservative leaning I understand the need for more housing, business, etc,. However building low quality mass produced subdivisions isn't the way. Let's build up to house people more efficiently and minimize the impact on our greenbelt. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt should not be opened for development. It is protected land and should stay that way for generations to come. We don’t need more concrete jungles taking over what little natural beauty we still have. Lire davantage

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To truly solve the housing crisis, the Province should focus on land in existing urban areas that is close to transit and services people want and then focus on the 88,000 acres of land in the GTHA that are already zoned for development. Lire davantage

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Absolutely an insane proposal. There are SO many places and different ideas to make more housing for people. There are enough mansions around Ontario, you can start using the tops of condos as penthouses more often or something. I don’t care, but keep greedy hands off conservation land!

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This is a terrible idea. We are facing unprecedented extreme weather from climate change and this government is doing further damage to land that has been protected for years. This will set a dangerous precedent for the future. You cannot simply swap out protected land for another piece. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford promised to not touch the greenbelt and he must keep that promise. Our children's future depends on the choices he makes today. Once it is gone, it will never be replaced.

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In 2018 Doug Ford said he “Heard the people” and would not mess with the greenbelt. In 2022 his government is proposing taking from it. And adding lands elsewhere. Lire davantage

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This proposal is absolutely horrendous. I voted for Conservatives but I now feel, I voted wrong. We must protect the assigned Greenbelts. They have been assigned so for a reason. Please stop trying to develop these greenbelts. Let’s protect our environment. Lire davantage

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There are 10's of thousands of abandoned & delapitated buildings/ houses in Ontario. Tearing up protected lands that are necessary for farming, wild life, and overall environmental health is just exchanging one problem for another. Lire davantage

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Everyone is watching. Stop building over greenspace to build homes that only the rich can afford. Build affordable housing or convert abandoned buildings in to housing. Stop killing the environment so the rich stay richer