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You’ll be destroying multiple homes of the animals that currently live on this land to replace them with mansions. Where would these animals go? First thing they’ll do is then enter towns where they’ll be unsafe and causing trouble. This land is protected for a reason. Lire davantage

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Your proposed changes to the Green Belt are a terrible idea for Ontario. We need to preserve the environment in light of climate change. Stop your racist reasoning that this is for immigrants, we all understand that you're doing this for all your friends who are developing the land. Lire davantage

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Building a highway through wet lands and the green belt will throw Ontario off track for climate goals! These wetlands are critical to the health of our waterways and ecosystems. We need to be protecting the green belt NOT building on it.

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Developing this land will be an environmental disaster. The greater gta needs more flora to reduce the amount of emissions we produce and taking away parts of the ecosystem for a road that will not reduce times is wrong! Lire davantage

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I am writing to express my opposition to Bill 23 and associated policy proposals that would weaken environmental protections and undermine public involvement in land use planning and decision-making. I am particularly concerned about the: Lire davantage

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This is not ok. We were promised the greenbelt wasn't going to be touched. Now there's plans to build a bunch of mansions that will just get flooded in a few years? Why not repurpose all those empty office buildings into low income apartments instead.

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The greenbelt is a critical part of protecting the moraines surrounding toronto. The moraines are not only important to the ecosystem and natural beauty of southern ontario, but they are part of the fragile aquifiers.

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I think it is extremely shortsighted to pave and build within the green belt to further the GTA’s urban sprawl. The green belt was designated for a reason and the loss of biodiversity, nature, and farmland outweighs the need for sprawling single family homes. Lire davantage

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I am writing to express my opposition to Bill 23 and associated policy proposals that would weaken environmental protections and undermine public involvement in land use planning and decision-making. I am particularly concerned about the: Lire davantage

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Please stop encroaching on our green belt. We can build housing within existing city borders. We need to preserve farmland and natural habitats for our wildlife and our children.

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I personally and very strongly oppose the decision to develop over Green Belt land. It is a known fact that the housing crisis is not due to a lack of land. The housing crisis is a result of affordability and access. There are more vacant units than there are homeless people in Ontario. Lire davantage

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We have seen a significant supply chain disruptions even for food supply. It would be of national interest to preserve food security in the face of possible global supply chain disruptions with upcoming risk of further climate disruptions and possible global conflict

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None of us voters voted for the amendment to the green belt. Like we did not vote for the commissioning of new natural gas plants. Stop making environmentally degrading decisions that puts Ontario worse off sustainably and economically. Lire davantage

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If Doug Ford was such a stand up guy he would be keeping his promise of not touching the green belt. These houses aren't for new immigrants they are for Doug's rich friends. Keep the green belt intact we can't afford a new environment.

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Ridiculous focus of government time and money to build highways and approving plans leading to unnecessary McMansions being built over protected land. Ontario does not want or need housing built on the green belt!

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Simply reclaiming more land in place of the environmentally sensitive land is not a viable solution. More land does not equate to equal land. The land in the greenspace is ecological fragile. The wildlife there is doomed if this proposal proceeds. Lire davantage

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Environmental protections and sanctions do not seem to be honoured in regards to some of the stated area(s). What is your proposal for environmental protection involving water ways, animal crossings, endangered species protection and indigenous treaty consultation?