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I do not agree with this proposal to change protected land in the Greenbelt into development land for housing. We do not need to take protected and important environmental land in order to solve the housing crisis. Lire davantage

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I understand that it must be challenging to come up with solutions for housing but I implore you to NOT open up the greenbelt for construction of homes! The greenbelt needs to be protected! Lire davantage

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I totally disagree with changing the designation and developing any greenbelt lands. Once these lands are developed there is no turning back. This s not the solution for affordable housing.

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Why should not be destroying the greenbelt to benefit a group of millionaire/billionaires. This would be an atrocity to all the wildlife, flora, and fauna. We should be taking old office buildings and buildings no longer in use and refurbishing them into low income and affordable housing. Lire davantage

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The Ford government is going back on their promises that were made to the public about the Ontario Greenbelt lands in favor of cronyism and developer profit. The collective, informed voices of Ontarians will not be silenced. Lire davantage

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One day we may have to expand into the green belt, but there are so many usable areas within the existing boundaries that can be used to create affordable housing. Denser cities and towns is a huge boon on so many levels for better living environments.

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I can’t even believe that this is an option for our current government. Profits over people, profit over our ecosystems. This is so short sighted is certainly not what we need in the middle of a climate emergency. The people will not stand for this. Expect a fight.

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The greenbelt land is not fungible. It should be protected forever and this development should not go through and that's not even considering the collusion and kickbacks Ford's developer friends seem to be getting out of the deal. Just environmentally, we cannot develop the greenbelt. Lire davantage

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Please stop the encroachment onto the Greenbet in Toronto and don’t allow it in other cities (such as Ottawa). These are sensitive areas and important for both ecosystem and human health. The people told Doug Ford not to do this. Lire davantage

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Please don’t expand housing into the green belt. It makes no sense as that land can flood and that land should be protected. There’s so many empty office buildings, make use of those instead!

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I am absolutely opposed to this unlocking of the green belt. There's absolutely no reason we need to unprotect land that we have all agreed to keep protected. Particularly not for profit! I, being a resident of Ontario for the last 53 years am not okay with this! Lire davantage

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This proposal needs to be quashed. Those .ands need to be protected for future generations. The very survival of our animal species depends on it. We as stewards of the environment need to do better. Lire davantage

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Please, the current infrastructure sucks. Spend the money to renew, repair and build upwards rather than outwards. Theres so many problems building into the greenbelt. Rather have homes, business and services at a managable distance from major cities rather than out there far away Lire davantage