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The proposed amendments to the protected Greenbelt are like asking the people of Ontario if you can be unfaithful to them. The plan, if approved, would be an egregious breach of trust. That there is a requirement that the development be built fast? This proposal makes me sick to my stomach.

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I wholeheartedly disagree with this amendment and urge the Conservative government to stay true to their previous promise to respect the Greenbelt land and leave it whole. Lire davantage

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I urge the premier to withdraw the plan to remove lands from the Greenbelt and maintain his initial promise to continue to protect these lands. This is not the pathway to affordable housing.

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It is my understanding that municipalities across Ontario have released land for development already, and therefore this change to the greenbelt planned by the Ford government is not required in any way in order to access development lands near existing communities. Lire davantage

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Please do not allow developers build on the Greenbelt. The Greenbelt is a crucial part of Ontario's environmental ecosystem which has important wildlife species, and the Greenbelt is a crucial part of our drinking water. Lire davantage

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I think this proposal is horrendous and will sacrifice our future in the name of building homes in bad places that will not address any of the myriad crises we face. Lire davantage

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Building housing on the green belt is a bad idea. Ontario does not need more houses built in the suburbs by developers Ford is friends with, it needs more affordable housing for low-income neighborhoods. The green belt is a crucial part of our province’s ecological health. Lire davantage

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I do not agree with this mission as it is destroying our environment further. In a time of obvious global warming affects we should not be destroying our green belt nor creating more unnecessary highways. Doug ford you are destroying our environment and our future.

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Do not touch the greenbelt. You are destroying critical green space. You promised you would not touch the greenbelt. Are you a liar? Developing the greenbelt only puts money in Doug's pockets. Do NOT touch the greenbelt.

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No one wants the greenbelt development. Maybe we should put the funding for this proposal somewhere more useful, like the education system, the healthcare system, the autism program OR into helping the housing crisis. Lire davantage

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As a tax-paying young Canadian student, working in the hospitality industry and doing school full-time, I am dismayed at this proposal to destroy the greenbelt to build more houses. Lire davantage