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So having seen this new act proposal, I'm completely against any changes the Doug Ford government wants to do to our greenbelt here in Ontario. Whatever happened to Ford's promise of not touching our greenbelt here in Ontario. Lire davantage

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I completely disagree with the destruction of the green belt in order for Doug ford to profit from his investors. This is a disgrace. Why don’t you guys do something productive with that money like invest in our health care systems or education, and educational assistants.

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At a time when we need to protect our precious green space more than ever, to put forward a proposal to turn parts if our protected Greenbelt into housing is unfathomable. Lire davantage

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I am fully against developing in any part of the greenbelt. Development will permanently destroy valuable farming land at the cost of another sprawling suburb. Densification is a better solution than paving over quality soil. Time to start building up in the GTA. Lire davantage

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This simply cannot happen. Climate change is real and destroying the green belt will only make it worse. Further, the proposal does nothing for affordable housing. This needs to be stopped.

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Ridiculous. Do not touch the green belt! The pandemic has provided the majority of people the opportunity to work from home.. meaning many people no longer need to live in close proximity to Toronto. Develop outside the green belt!

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Do not touch the green belt. It is so vital in our agricultural production of fresh produce. It is our natural land. It will really mess with our food supply. Touching our natural areas will destruct even more environmental habitats that are home to so many species. Lire davantage

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The green belt is one of the most important natural areas in the province and building homes on this area is detrimental to the environment, and will increase the effects of climate change, in which we are already experiencing to an advanced degree. Lire davantage

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I am devastated that this is even on the table. Our green belt must be protected. It is not replaceable or moveable. We have to do our part to be heard, and shut down this proposal. I can’t imagine the damage this will do to the environment and the delicate ecosystems.

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Making changing to the greenbelt is not the answer! I understand there is a housing crisis right now, but there are so many more solutions to that problem. Reducing the greenbelt anywhere in the province only increases the environnemental crisis which is NEVER the answer. Lire davantage

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I am disgusted at the government's attack on the Greenbelt. While we do have a housing crisis it is not suburban sprawl on protected ecologically sensitive areas that we need. We need higher density, affordable housing near public transit. Lire davantage