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I totally disagree with the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Plan! The Greenbelt is an essential part of our natural areas and must be left whole and untouched. Doug Ford promised to leave the Greenbelt alone - now he must live up to his word!

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This project defeats the purpose of the Greenbelt. I am overwhelmingly against the use of Greenbelt land for development. We should be densifying current urban areas, not further creating more sprawl in what is already a very sprawling region. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt land was promised to be protected by the current Premier and his conservative majority government. This is not only going back on his campaign promises to Ontarians but multiple studies show that building this new highway isn’t enough to save time for anyone. This is so wrong! Lire davantage

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I am severely against removing parts of the current Greenbelt. Important havitats for wildlife, farmland and ecosystems will be destroyed. Our lands are already struggling and animals have been seen more and more invading communities due to being displaced. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford specifically promised he wouldn't touch the green belt. We need to do better than his clear lack of leadership. The green belt is home to many animals, insects and fauna. We would be nailing our own casket by allowing the green belt to reduced

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Absolutely ridiculous that the Conservative government can be such blatant greedy liars and not held accountable. These are lands that cannot be restored once damaged to the extent of their plans. Lire davantage

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Absolutely not! As a province, Ontario is supposed to move forward with sustainable solutions to major environmental issues and taking away parts of the Greenbelt, an area of green space that is supposed to be permanently protected, is moving back from this goal. Lire davantage

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I strongly do not support this proposal. There are other ways to incorporate housing that do not involving expanding out, especially in protected areas. Doug Ford stated he would not touch the Greenbelt and he is now going back on that promise. Lire davantage

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I am highly opposed to the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt plan. The Greenbelt was put in place with purpose. Where does this end?? We need to protect our plant and what "green" parts we designated as protected. Lire davantage

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Bad idea. Growth at the cost of the environment is not sustainable in the long term. Environment should be priority one, with growth somewhere thereafter. Consider clamping down on speculative buying and number of homes a business/ person can own.

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This proposed plan claims to support an influx of new Canadians sure to be arriving to Ontario in the next several years and yet it only supports the building of more rural single family homes, almost all of which will be unaffordable for those new to Canada. Lire davantage

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I think that there was a verbal commitment or contract made by someone with the people of Ontario as it relates to hearing the people a d assuredly continued with the I hear you mu friends we will not touch the Green belt. I will not touch the green belt. Lire davantage