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I do NOT support any removal of Greenbelt land for development, even including housing. Urban sprawl is not the solution for adding homes in Ontario. We need to add density and services to support that density in our existing cities. Lire davantage

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Preserving Ontarios green belt is vital to the environmental wellbeing of this province. Expanding housing into the Green Belt will cause irreversible damage to the ecosystems that live there. These lands are sacred and should be respected. Lire davantage

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I do not want the green belt developed. Having that space is not only important to the environment but for everyone. By developing it into housing you are only benefiting the few, not the many.

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I oppose building on the greenbelt. We should not be converting the greenbelt to make housing. Adding more urban sprawl is counterproductive to Ontario's housing and climate goals. Lire davantage

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Asa two spirit Mohawk living on these lands it is disgusting and deeply disheartening to see these changes come forth. There are alternative ways to fight housing issues, ways that do not seek to destroy the green belt and ways that do not destroy Indigenous Treaty Rights.

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I am deeply saddened by this proposal. This protected land is a beautiful sanctuary, not just for wildlife, but for people. We need nature to thrive as a society. This move would completely strip the confidence Ontarians have in the Ford Government, a move you promised would never be made. Lire davantage

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Don't touch the Greenbelt, you can build houses some where else. Building on this protected area will have an impact on future generations who will be deeply affected by Climate Change, do it for your kids and future grandkids, their future is at stake!!

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Hello, I feel like the greenbelt should be left alone, like Ford promised and acknowledged we wouldn't. There has to be space in Toronto or elsewhere for high density low income housing, tearing apart the greenbelt at all for highways, housing or, business is unacceptable. Lire davantage

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Please please please do not let this happen! There are wetlands, wildlife, farms, green spaces. This needs to be preserved! This is not the solution to “affordable” housing!

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Do not build on the Greenbelt, this will affect future generations. The Greenbelt cannot be replaced. We may face cataclysmic weather already seen around the world. Forests & wetlands are a crucial tool against climate change.

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I oppose the proposed changes to the Greenbelt. While I agree that there needs to be an effective plan to address the housing crisis, I am unconvinced that changes to the Greenbelt will address this crisis. Lire davantage

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LEAVE THE GREEN BELT ALONE. The majority of Ontarians do NOT want this project and believe it is NOT worth losing our green belt. Doug Ford’s only interests are self serving and it’s clear for everyone to see. He wants to profit as much as he can from being premier and it is costing us TOO MUCH.

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The notion of building on the Greenbelt will destroy the natural environment which protects us all. We know from other jurisdictions that destroying forest, wetlands and agriculture as well has an impact on human health, and property. Lire davantage